Tag Archives: music

Sharing Assembly

Musicians Allysson Velez and Keith Cockburn joined the primary 4 classes to share the results of their 5 week block of music workshops with the school at a very lively musical assembly. The P4s sang “Ye Cannae Shove yer Grannie af a Bus” and “Three Craws” accompanied by Keith on guitar. They also joined in with the chorus of a “coco” song in Portuguese, warning about the dangers of fishing near sharks, accompanied by Allysson on pandero. A group of pupils then danced a “Ciranda” which is a  Brazilian circle dance. It was a very entertaining assembly.

Primary 4 enjoyed learning about scottish and brazilian music, and are sorry that the workshops have come to an end. Thank you Keith, Allysson for coming to Gordon Primary to work with us and Deveron Arts for providing the workshops.

Brazilian Music

Primary 4s have learnt about different types of brazilian music such as maracato and watched this You Tube clip;  Maracatu Nacao Pernambuco

They are learning a dance called the Ciranda; Ciranda dance

They also listened to “coco” music.

They have also been enjoying singing traditional scottish songs with Keith Cockburn.Three Craws

They are hoping to be able to perform their songs and dances to the school when they have finished their workshops.



On Thursday the 6th of  September a Katumba band from Nepal came to our school to play their music!!!

Nepal is a country above India. The Himalayas are located in Nepal.

Their instruments sounded really good together. The musicians were really friendly and their instruments were really cool!! The band played drums, percussion, reed flute and stringed instruments.

Here is a link to a Katumba band playing:


By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Music Workshop

On Tuesday all of Primary 4 attended an introductory musical workshop in the Deveron Building. Mestre Allysson Velez from Brazil and Keith Cockburn fae Huntly, Scotland played traditional tunes from both countries. Allysson explained about samba music and sang some brazilian songs while the children clapped a rhythm. Some lucky children had a go at playing drums and other percussion. Keith played traditional scottish songs such as “Three Craws” “Coulters Candy” and “Ye canna shove yer granny af a bus.” The children enjoyed singing along!

P4 classes are really looking forward to their next workshops next week.