Tag Archives: health and wellbeing



On Thursday the 6th of  September a Katumba band from Nepal came to our school to play their music!!!

Nepal is a country above India. The Himalayas are located in Nepal.

Their instruments sounded really good together. The musicians were really friendly and their instruments were really cool!! The band played drums, percussion, reed flute and stringed instruments.

Here is a link to a Katumba band playing:


By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Music Workshop

On Tuesday all of Primary 4 attended an introductory musical workshop in the Deveron Building. Mestre Allysson Velez from Brazil and Keith Cockburn fae Huntly, Scotland played traditional tunes from both countries. Allysson explained about samba music and sang some brazilian songs while the children clapped a rhythm. Some lucky children had a go at playing drums and other percussion. Keith played traditional scottish songs such as “Three Craws” “Coulters Candy” and “Ye canna shove yer granny af a bus.” The children enjoyed singing along!

P4 classes are really looking forward to their next workshops next week.