Tag Archives: health and wellbeing

Class Dancing!

Most classes in our school are doing social dancing for their Christmas parties. We are all working very hard and having some fun ! 🙂

P6B and P6A are dancing together for our Christmas party and we all cant wait !

It is normally girls pick boys and then boys pick girls but sometimes it is the other way round for partner picking. We are all doing a variety of dancing and we all have a load of fun !

My class P6B are doing Gay Gordon’s, Grand March, Circle Waltz and many many more !

By Libby x 😀

Kick Boxing

Classes in the school are doing kick boxing workshops this week, to give them a taster of kick boxing! Senser John McInnes taught the workshops. He is recently back from Sicily where ex pupil Rhianan Chisolm won a bronze medal in the kick boxing world championships!

Primary 4 classes enjoyed learning some basic moves. They enjoyed doing a warm up and stretches. They then learnt the Left Punch, the Right Punch and a Side Kick.  Then they combined them all together while saying KI-A!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Bee Happy

Classes at Gordon Primary have been taking part in workshops for the past two weeks as part of Huntly’s Wellbeing Festival, which will take place in Huntly from September 20th- 24th.

Classes have been learning, through games, about the importance of pollination and the part bees play in this. They have also been learning a “Waggle Dance”, similar to the dance that bees perform to inform each other where to find pollen. Pupils have also made costumes that they will bee able to wear at “The Swarm” parade .

Pupils are being encouraged to join in with the “The Swarm” parade on Sunday 23rd at 1.00 pm, from the town Square to Battlehill.

We hope you will all bee there!