Tag Archives: Fairtrade Tuckshop


The Fairtrade group met this Monday lunchtime and were given the good news that Gordon Primary have achieved Fairtrade Status for the third year!

Mrs Innes, Mrs Sell and Mrs Webster thanked the Fairtrade group for their enthusiasm and hard work throughout the year and particularly during Fairtrade fortnight.

The group decided that P7 representatives would announce the good news about Fairtrade status at the end of term assembly. They would also thank the volunteers who have helped running the Fairtrade tuckshop and the Fairtrade stall at parents evening and also all parents, pupils and staff for their support. The local ethical trading shop, Elturnatives would also be thanked for the support they have given the school in running the Fairtrade tuckshop.

Fairtrade tuckshop big success…..

Yay! Now we will be able to have Fairtrade goodies every Friday at little break!!

Now there will be more cheap goodies at 40P.

Here is the price list.

Choc N toffee 40P,

New stock not sure what it will be at 40P,

Chocolate buttons 60P,

yogurt raisins 65p,

Divine bars milk and dark 85P

Please come and help us raise money for a good cause.

The fairtrade reps and vice reps will be helping Mrs Sell and Mrs FitzPatrick to sell all the goodies.

By Fiona (P5 Blogger and Fairtrade Rep) Sophie (p5 blogger)

Fairtrade tuck shop BIG success


Lots of  Reps and vice reps have been willing to take up their break to help MrsSell and Mrs FitzPatrick. The line some days have been going out the door!! We hope that there will be lots more people will be coming to buy some goodies. Sorry for anybody eager to have a divine bar they have sold out!!!

The fairtrade tuck shop  has been a big success, the sale has been over £200.

Also we are doing a fairtrade logo hunt. The Reps had discussed what to do as a fun activity and Freya (P5a rep.) thought of the logo hunt. It will be taking place this week and there will be a prize for the upper stages class winner and the lower stages class winner. The winner will be chosen out of a hat.

Last of all, there is all so a sculpture/ collage competition.

By Fiona P5 Blogger and P5B Fairtrade Rep


The Fairtrade Tuckshop began yesterday (beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight)! It will run all the way through Fairtrade Fortnight and after Fairtrade Fortnight has finished it will run on Fridays each week!! The queue was very long!

It has made over £80 in 2 days!

The names and costs of the products are below.

Dubble Bars £0.75

Chocolate Buttons £0.60

Yoghurt Raisins £0.65

Chocolate Toffee £0.40

Divine bars £o.85

Many thanks to the Fairtrade reps who are helping to run the tuckshop.

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)