Tag Archives: community

Music Workshop

On Tuesday all of Primary 4 attended an introductory musical workshop in the Deveron Building. Mestre Allysson Velez from Brazil and Keith Cockburn fae Huntly, Scotland played traditional tunes from both countries. Allysson explained about samba music and sang some brazilian songs while the children clapped a rhythm. Some lucky children had a go at playing drums and other percussion. Keith played traditional scottish songs such as “Three Craws” “Coulters Candy” and “Ye canna shove yer granny af a bus.” The children enjoyed singing along!

P4 classes are really looking forward to their next workshops next week.

Scarecrow competion

At the Huntly Hairst last weekend the P4s took part in the scarecrow competition.

Mr Grays class 4B came first with a wonderful scarecrow and recieved  a £50 prize and 4C Mrs Sells class came third with another wonderful scarecrow and won a £10 prize.  P4 also made bookmarks to sell at the hairst and Bunting to decorate the auction ring at the Huntly mart.

They have not decided what they are doing with the money yet.

Fiona P5B Glowbug Blogger

Huntly Castle Junior Tour Guides.

The Huntly Castle Junior Tour Guides have got off to a busy start this session.

They attended a ceilidh in September, wearing their magnificent costumes, and introduced themselves to visitors to Huntly at a ceilidh organised by Huntly Development Trust.

Duncan and Felicity, Emma and Andrea will deliver a public tour at the castle tomorrow.

There are more bookings and tours in the pipeline.