Tag Archives: community

Quiz Success!

Last Thursday three teams from Gordon Primary took part in a very close and exciting General Knowledge quiz organised by the Rotary Club of Huntly. The quiz took place in the large hall.

They competed against teams from Insch Primary school.

Teams were as follows;

Agata, Brogan, Lily and Mina

Lucy, Magnus, Erin and Katie (Winning team)

Dawid, Maddy, Gregor and Owen.

Well done to everyone involved!

Visitor from Zimbabwe

Last Wednesday Nancy Mteki, who has a residency in Huntly with Deveron Arts, came to talk to the Upper Stages at assembly. She showed us her photographs, which included photos of babies and children. Nancy explained that lots of daily activities, like  bathing babies  and eating is done outside in Zimbabwe. Here, in Scotland, we can usually only eat outside in summer ….if we are lucky!

She told us that the people in Zimbabwe like to make children’s toys, and showed us how to make dolls and footballs using carrier bags and newspapers, things we often just throw away!

Mrs Fitzpatrick and Mrs McIntosh joined in a challenge to make a doll from newspaper and carrier bags. The results were very impressive!

Mr Scrimshaw told the school that there would be a competition for the best doll made from newspaper and carrier bags. We are looking forward to see what pupils of Gordon Primary manage to create by recycling these simple materials!

For more about Nancy and Deveron Arts, click on the link


Fairtrade Sculptures

As part of Fairtrade fortnight, classes have been making Fairtrade Sculptures out of recycled Fairtrade products. Many classes have already made a Sculpture!

P1  – Have made a Fairtrade banana tree!

P4c –  Have made a Fairtrade School!

Mrs Websters P2s – Have made a Fairtrade Rocket!

P4b – Have made a Fairtrade Jumper!

P5b – Have made a Collage of the Fairtrade logo

P5a – Have made a Fairtrade Funky Banana!

The completed sculptures and collages are being displayed in the dinner hall.

Here’s a link to the page on the Fair Trade website where the pictures are shown:


By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Nursery News

The nursery have been busy joining in with Fairtrade fortnight.

Groups of nursery children have been visiting local shops. They have been making sure that their snack is Fairtrade, so they have been looking out for the Fairtrade  logo in different shops around the town and finding out which shops stock Fairtrade products . They chose the fairtrade product to eat for snack and paid for them.

They visited the local Ethical Trading shop, Elturnatives, and found out more about Fairtrade products.

Back at school they enjoyed their snacks, including delicious and healthy Fairtrade fruit.

They are also taking part in the “Find the Logo” competition.


The Fairtrade Tuckshop began yesterday (beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight)! It will run all the way through Fairtrade Fortnight and after Fairtrade Fortnight has finished it will run on Fridays each week!! The queue was very long!

It has made over £80 in 2 days!

The names and costs of the products are below.

Dubble Bars £0.75

Chocolate Buttons £0.60

Yoghurt Raisins £0.65

Chocolate Toffee £0.40

Divine bars £o.85

Many thanks to the Fairtrade reps who are helping to run the tuckshop.

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Trio Assembly.


  • Last week we had 3 groups all coming to tell us about things. We started of with P5A’s  sharing assembly. They  read book reviews, writing and some information about their project about the jacobites. Groups had done research on 3 famous people from that time; Bonnie Prince Charlie, Flora McDonald and the Duke of Cumberland (nicknamed “the Butcher.”) They showed us models of blackhouses that they had made.
  • Then Carl Wright and Jake Florence had some very good news to tell us. They are climbing Mt Kilimanjaro. !!!!! !!! Tit will take about 5 days to complete the climb. They are raising money through their climb for Cancer research and Help for Heroes.
  • Plus we had the Fairtrade reps to tell us about Fairtrade fortnight. They reminded us why we should support Fairtrade. They also told us that the Fairtrade tuckshop would be running over the fortnight!

By Fiona and Sophie P5B Bloggers


Fairtrade fortnight will be starting soon (February 25th to March 10th).

The FAIRTRADE representatives from all the classes in the school have been busy having meetings and deciding how they could help to promote Fairtrade over the fortnight.

There will be a Fairtrade tuckshop during the fortnight, run by the P4, 5,6, and 7 Fairtrade representatives. There will also be a sculpture/collage competition; each class is invited to bring in Fairtrade wrappers and packets and use these to make a sculpture or collage which will be displayed in the school. Photos of the artwork will be uploaded to the Fairtrade website.

There will also be a Fairtrade logo hunt in the school grounds during the second week.

Primary 4 Fairtrade reps have written letters to parents about the Fairtrade activities. Some reps have been busy making logos (for the treasure hunt) and badges. P 1-3 reps spoke to the early stages at assembly about the fortnight , and P5-7 reps wrote and delivered an assembly to the Upper Stages, reminding them why we should try and support Fairtrade and how Fairtrade helps some farmers to get a better (and fair) deal..

The Primary 6 classes are looking at Fairtrade as their project. P6B designed some lovely posters to promote the fortnight and the tuckshop.

Find out about Fairtrade with Aberdeenshire


Mount kilimanjaro

In April 2013, a group from Huntly will try to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Several members of the group  are parents of children from Gordon Primary and The Gordon Schools.

Two of these members are using the adventure to raise funds for cancer research UK and Help for Heroes. These two are hoping to raise a significent amount of money for their chosen charity.

They are looking forward to their one in a lifetime experience and will fly out from Aberdeen airport on Saturday the 30th of March.

They are going to speak to the upper stages about their chosen charities and the climb itself at assembly.

If you would like to make a donation then please go to:



By Cameron (P6 Blogger)

Church Service

We were all very lucky that the Church Service went ahead, as the Minister came to our school, instead of us going to the church (as it was far too wet!!)

We sung Come and Join the Celebration, Rock a Little Baby, Children all Over the World and Away in a Manger. We also prayed to thank Jesus for Christmas and a few of the P7s read the Christmas Story.

The Orchestra also played them a tune, which they all enjoyed.

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)