Art Work

Here are a few examples of some of the very attractive artwork that has been produced around the school.

Mr Baird has worked with P7 to produce very eye catching artwork in the style of Pablo Picasso, while Mrs Wills has been working with P6 to produce beautiful portraits in the style of Cationa Millar. P4s have produced some lovely windmill artwork, as part of their study of Scotland.

Sharing Assembly

Musicians Allysson Velez and Keith Cockburn joined the primary 4 classes to share the results of their 5 week block of music workshops with the school at a very lively musical assembly. The P4s sang “Ye Cannae Shove yer Grannie af a Bus” and “Three Craws” accompanied by Keith on guitar. They also joined in with the chorus of a “coco” song in Portuguese, warning about the dangers of fishing near sharks, accompanied by Allysson on pandero. A group of pupils then danced a “Ciranda” which is a  Brazilian circle dance. It was a very entertaining assembly.

Primary 4 enjoyed learning about scottish and brazilian music, and are sorry that the workshops have come to an end. Thank you Keith, Allysson for coming to Gordon Primary to work with us and Deveron Arts for providing the workshops.

Disco 10th October 2012

On the 10th of October 2012 we had a Disco!!!

The younger members of the school (P1 – 3) had their disco at 6:00pm to 7:00pm the older members of the school (P4 -7) had their disco at 7:15 to 8:30!

Some of us dressed up in Halloween costumes.We all enjoyed ourselves!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Dates for your diary

On the 12th of October, it is the last day of term but it is also pyjama day. That means that you can come to school in your pyjamas.If you are feeling generous we would like it if you could bring in a donation, which will go towards PTA funds.

On Wednesday the 9th of October there will be a end of term disco. P1 to P3 will be 6 0’clock till 7 0’clock and P4 to P7 will be 7:15 to 8:30

Fiona and Amy p5

Big Writing Open Afternoon

On Wednesday the 14th of November 2012 there will be an Open Afternoon for parents to find out more about BIG WRITING!!!!!

There has already been an information leaflet ot give parents a quick run through of BIG WRITING!!!

There will be one at 2:00pm and if you weren’t able to make at 2:00pm there will be another at 7:00pm.

Please feel free to come and join us!!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

P5 Assembly


last week P5 had their sharing assembly.

P5 for their topic is the BFG and the BFG eats snozzcumber and drinks frobscottle. So as drama they made Adverts for snozzcumber and frobscottle.

The adverts were very entertaing and amusing.

P5 put in a lot of efort into the adverts.

P4 also did a assembly about their project “Life in the Grampians”  Groups had done research about families living in diffent towns in the Grampians (Aberdeen, Aberlour, Windsor, ). They also showed some of the posters the had made about scottish wildlife.

Fiona P5 blogger

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