Abbie and Stephanie from p7 have been encouraging girls to join in the the Girls Cricket which runs after school every Tuesday from 3.45 to 4.45 in the large hall.

Cricketers learn skills such as bowling, side stepping, catching and fielding. The club is led by head Coach Neil.

Tour Guides

This term the new tour guides have been taking on the challenge on learning the script.

A woman from Historic Scotland called Calen came in to the school to help train them. A couple of weeks ago they did a really fun workshop to help them, they played catch and pulled funny faces and vocal warm ups . They also did something called the blocking rehearsal  with Calen, which  is when you go round the castle and see where you need to stand and what features in the castle you would need to need to point to .

Good luck to all of them.

by Fiona and Ellie p5 bloggers and JTGS ( junior tour guides)

Healthy Thursday

The p5 have been doing  Healthy Thursday. On Thursday the class is split into three groups. Each group gets to do  sports, cooking and forestry over the whole day. P5a did it for four weeks and now P5b the other class do it for four weeks .  At the sports the p5s did hockey and touch rugby.At the forestry you do some challenges like blind fold games and one 0f them we got to go to the meadow woods and light fires.

by sophie(p5) at glow bug bloggers

On Saturday 18th the Gordon Primary Quiz team took part in the Inter Schools Rotary Zone Final at Old Meldrum. We hope they did well, and look forward to hearing how they did.