Huntly Come Dancing

Both P6 classes have participated in ‘Huntly Come Dancing’! ‘Huntly Come Dancing’ is a Dancing Tournament where schools from the Huntly Network will all come together to Dance the Chive and Tango! The couples from each school would come up onto the Dancefloor and Dance! After all the schools have all Danced the Judges would pick 3 couples to go through to the Quarter Finals! After all the Quarter Finalists have Danced the judges will choose the Semi Finalists and all the couples that were lucky enought to get through to Finals will dance and the Judges will make their decision!!

Everyone enjoyed theirselves a lot!

In the afternoon the P6s danced for their parents! The parents enjoyed it a lot!

The lucky people from Gordon Primary School that got through to the Finals and got Medals was…

Murray and Ellie from P6a and  Taylor and Kane from P6b!!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

P6’s Coffee Morning

On Thursday the 9th of May the two p6 classes had a coffee morning. Which the planning went on over two to three weeks, and it was all organised by the P6’s themselves. The items that were included were

  • A cake stall.
  • A bring and buy sale.
  • A book stall.
  • Entertainment.
  • A raffle
The donations and money we raised came to a whopping £462.00 and shall be split between meningitis trust the RSPCA and our school trip. Thank you to everyone who bought cakes and to the parents who came to the coffee morning and to all those who donated.

Orchestra Assembly


Last week the orchestra played at the assembly.

They were playing “The water music” and “The Hall of the mountain king”.

These tunes have been played before at assembly but were picked again because they had to tell them about their instruments.

They did an assembly to P1-3 assembly and P4-7 assembly.

It is the last time they are playing this term.

By Cameron (P6 Blogger)

Musical Lunchtime.

Last week the choir brightened up lunchtime by singing in the lunchhall. They sang “You are my Sunshine” and “Pack up your troubles” along with other songs.  It was a lovely change.

Next week they are going down to the Meadows Old Folks Home to sing to the residents.

P.C Mckennan

P7 have enjoyed 2 visits from P.C Mckennan Police Liaison Officer. The talks were on Drugs & Cyber Safety. They are also going to be attending a talk from Mr McIntosh, The Gordon Schools about the Content & Drugs.

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)