P6A Assembly

Last week P6A done their assembly. They did it on Similes and Metaphors. They recited their stories about their own superheroes. They had to include five similes and three metaphors.

They also sketched and coloured their superheroes. They had a lot of fun reciting their superheroes.

By Cameron (P6 Blogger)


All classes at Gordon Primary visited the ALEC bus and learnt about keeping themselves safe and healthy.

The nursery children enjoyed meeting Harold the giraffe. They learnt about  their bodies, and learnt where their ribs, heart, stomach and lungs were. They learnt about keeping themselves healthy by washing, eating well, sleeping and having plenty of exercise. They enjoyed brushing Harolds teeth!

Mount kilimanjaro

In April 2013, a group from Huntly will try to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Several members of the group  are parents of children from Gordon Primary and The Gordon Schools.

Two of these members are using the adventure to raise funds for cancer research UK and Help for Heroes. These two are hoping to raise a significent amount of money for their chosen charity.

They are looking forward to their one in a lifetime experience and will fly out from Aberdeen airport on Saturday the 30th of March.

They are going to speak to the upper stages about their chosen charities and the climb itself at assembly.

If you would like to make a donation then please go to:



By Cameron (P6 Blogger)

Priamry 5b assembly

Last  Wednesday the p5s  did  an assembly. They recited  “The Address to a Haggis”, some Doric poems and poems they had written themselves. They wrote their own poems in the same style that Robert Burns , on subjects such as “Address to a Jelly Bean” and “Address to a Chicken Tikka”.  Here is one of the Doric poems, written by Sheena Blackhall,

Up The Stairs at bedtime

Up the stairs at bedtime
Gie yer face a dicht
Hae ye myne’t tae clean yer teeth
Makk sure an dae it richt!
Fin at last yer sleepin
The teeth pirhanas sweem
Oot fae their hideyholes
Far teeth fairies gleam
Roon yer moo they’re huntin
Fur teeth that they can howk
Teeth pirhanas seekin
A puckle teeth tae powk.

By Ellie, P5 blogger

Nursery for the P1’S

Some of the nursery pupils have been spending time P1s classrooms to see what it is like to be a P1 for a while.
They have been spending time in either Mr Wood’s class or Mrs Innes’s class. They are really liking it and are looking forward to P1.
They have been playing and listening to a story. So after the summer holidays, when they go into P1 they will know what they are doing.
Fiona (P5 Blogger):)

Mr Gray Leaving

Sadly Mr Gray is going to be leaving this Thursday.

He has been working at Gordon Primary School for several years, he will be taking up a position at Alford Primary School after the Mid-term break!

Mr Gray has participated in a lot of after school and lunchtime clubs. His skills and knowledge will be greatly missed in this area!

Most of the children will be very sad to see Mr Gray leave and so will a lot of the staff will miss his enthusiasm and humour!

Gordon Primary School wishes Mr Gray the best of luck in his next stage of his career and will offer a warm welcome whenever he comes to visit!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

Mr Norris

Mr Norris is meant to becoming into school tomorrow.

Mr Norris is the school inspector that could not come before the holidays because of the weather. Hopefully he will be able to come tomorrow as the snow is not that bad. He will be looking around the school and be asking some people questions. We hope that he enjoys his visit.

By Fiona (p5 Blogger) 🙂