Trio Assembly.


  • Last week we had 3 groups all coming to tell us about things. We started of with P5A’s  sharing assembly. They  read book reviews, writing and some information about their project about the jacobites. Groups had done research on 3 famous people from that time; Bonnie Prince Charlie, Flora McDonald and the Duke of Cumberland (nicknamed “the Butcher.”) They showed us models of blackhouses that they had made.
  • Then Carl Wright and Jake Florence had some very good news to tell us. They are climbing Mt Kilimanjaro. !!!!! !!! Tit will take about 5 days to complete the climb. They are raising money through their climb for Cancer research and Help for Heroes.
  • Plus we had the Fairtrade reps to tell us about Fairtrade fortnight. They reminded us why we should support Fairtrade. They also told us that the Fairtrade tuckshop would be running over the fortnight!

By Fiona and Sophie P5B Bloggers