Fairtrade fortnight will be starting soon (February 25th to March 10th).

The FAIRTRADE representatives from all the classes in the school have been busy having meetings and deciding how they could help to promote Fairtrade over the fortnight.

There will be a Fairtrade tuckshop during the fortnight, run by the P4, 5,6, and 7 Fairtrade representatives. There will also be a sculpture/collage competition; each class is invited to bring in Fairtrade wrappers and packets and use these to make a sculpture or collage which will be displayed in the school. Photos of the artwork will be uploaded to the Fairtrade website.

There will also be a Fairtrade logo hunt in the school grounds during the second week.

Primary 4 Fairtrade reps have written letters to parents about the Fairtrade activities. Some reps have been busy making logos (for the treasure hunt) and badges. P 1-3 reps spoke to the early stages at assembly about the fortnight , and P5-7 reps wrote and delivered an assembly to the Upper Stages, reminding them why we should try and support Fairtrade and how Fairtrade helps some farmers to get a better (and fair) deal..

The Primary 6 classes are looking at Fairtrade as their project. P6B designed some lovely posters to promote the fortnight and the tuckshop.

Find out about Fairtrade with Aberdeenshire


P6a Advertisments

P6a have been planning an advertisement poster to advertise a random product, this product will not exist and will be made up!

Some people have made up a product like Tractor Polish to make the tractor shiny it comes in loads of different colours! Also someone is going to sell a celebrity’s used toilet and toilet roll! Also there is product that includes Will-I-Am’s finger nails which will make money if you whack it with a frying pan! There are loads more advertisement ideas!

After the plan/poster plan has been made they will then make the poster. They have learnt that an advertisment doesn’t have much writing just a few sentences and a picture of the product and if they have anough time they will make a video!

By Duncan (P6 Blogger)

P6A Assembly

Last week P6A done their assembly. They did it on Similes and Metaphors. They recited their stories about their own superheroes. They had to include five similes and three metaphors.

They also sketched and coloured their superheroes. They had a lot of fun reciting their superheroes.

By Cameron (P6 Blogger)