Tag Archives: proud HT

Inspection Report

Our Inspection Report has been published and we are all feeling very proud.  We are proud of our children, our staff and our whole community.  Below is a copy of our report.  There are also links which take you to the summary of inspection findings which give more detail of the inspector’s visit and their findings.

28 August 2018
Dear Parent/Carer
In June 2018, a team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited Woodlands Primary School
and Nursery Class. During our visit, we talked to parents/carers and children and worked
closely with the headteacher and staff. We gathered evidence to enable us to evaluate aspects
of the quality of leadership and children’s achievements.
The inspection team found the following strengths in the school’s work.
 Staff have created a nurturing, inclusive learning environment, where children are
developing resilience for learning, and attaining and achieving very successfully. The highly
effective leadership team, led by the headteacher have a clear vision for the school and
give well-defined direction to staff. They involve stakeholders in the life and work of the
 Children are confident, successful learners. They are motivated to do well, and are very
enthusiastic about their learning. They are very articulate, respectful and contribute well to
the life and work of the school.
 Staff work together very well to implement whole school approaches to self-evaluation.
They track children’s progress effectively, and identify priorities for improvement which lead
to improved outcomes for all children.
 Staff have taken forward well-planned improvements for learning, teaching and assessment
to raise attainment in numeracy and mathematics across the school. Sector leading
approaches to embedding a numeracy-rich environment for learning, which is leading to
excellent progress in early mathematics for almost all children in the nursery class.
The following area for improvement was identified and discussed with the headteacher and a
representative from Angus Council.
 As planned staff should develop further approaches for learning, teaching and assessment
for literacy, with the same rigor they brought to improving numeracy and mathematics.

Woodlands Primary School and Nursery Class Inspection Report

Summarised Inspection Findings for Woodlands Primary School and Nursery Class

Summarised Inspection Findings for Woodlands Primary School