Tag Archives: fun fun fun

Sports Day 2019

The sun came out on Monday 17th July to allow us to hold our annual Sports Day.  Infant sports consisted of potted sports where the children work in cross stage teams to complete a game for points and after playtime we have some races where the children compete against boys or girls in their year.  Over playtime, as a thank you to our parents we have tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits.

Our sports day could not go ahead without a number of people:

Our parent helpers who do a tremendous job in helping set up the course, taking teams of children around potted sports and judging the winners in the races – not an easy job.

Our teachers for all the preparation ensuring the equipment is ready and explaining to the children what they have to do, while encouraging them to do their best and have fun.

Our children for having a ‘can do’ approach, supporting each other and understanding that not everyone is going to be a winner.