A Little Monkeys Tail (Part 4 by Nursery)

The monkeys jumped onto the explorer’s truck.  They hoped it would take them to a zoo.  The monkeys thought that the zoo was a good idea because a zoo is where all of the animals go as they get fed and looked after there.  Gizmo hoped to get some bananas at the zoo.

The explorers gave the monkey’s a shower and a bath in the basin.  The zoo was called the Tropical Island Zoo and it had monkeys, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, zebras, pandas and tigers.  When Gizmo was put with the other monkeys he told them his story of looking for Nia and all of the animals said they would help him find her.

A Little Monkeys Tail (Part 3 by P4)

They both started to run to the shadow because they thought it was Nia.  They closer they the more the shadow faded away……then there was a clatter.

Nia also heard a clatter and was wondering what it was.  Nia thought Gizmo was nearby but he wasn’t.  Harambe and Gizmo were holding on to a branch for their life.  As Harambe got a grip of a branch some stones fell to the ground.  Harambe tried to climb but Gizmo was too heavy.

‘Get off Gizmo, she’s my sister,’ said Harambe.

‘But she’s my best friend,’ said Gizmo.

They both argued who should stay and who should fall off the branch.

As for Nia, she was trying to get out of the cage but a car took her away.  Could Nia ever go home?

A Little Monkeys Tail (Part 1 by P7)

Deep in the dark, magical, tropical green Amazon Rainforest there was a little spider monkey called Gizmo.  He has a best friend called Nia and she is also a monkey.  She has an older brother called Harambe.  The monkeys spend their days swinging in tall trees, eating fruit, insects and leaves.  Gizmo and Harambe are enemies and Nia does not like this as they always annoy each other.  They chase each other and try to steal food from one another.

One day Nia and Gizmo were swinging on the branches then Harambe came.  Harambe was being annoying again and he pushed Gizmo off the branch and he fell and hurt himself.  Nia was mad, she jumped down and started running away upset.  Suddenly, out of nowhere came an explorer, he captured Nia and ran away.

‘Oh no!’ said Gizmo.
‘We will have to work together to find her,’ said Harambe.
‘No, I’ll get her myself,’ said Gizmo.

Gizmo walked away but Harambe followed him.


School Story

Our Reading Council decided the school could create our very own story for World Book Day.  We’ve had snow days and an Easter holiday but we are now ready to publish the first  and of our story.  Each class will write a bit and pass the story on to the next class.  We will end up with our very own story with contributions from every class.  Our story will then be read out in assembly.  Please ensure you read the story in order.

Reading Council

Launch of our new website

Our new website is ready to launch to parents.  Please take a look around and discover all of our news.  Welcome to Woodlands Primary on-line.  Here you will find information about our school vision, values and aims.  We have listed clubs, pupil groups and P2 and P3 have drawn pictures of school staff.  Our school blog will be updated regularly with information from pupil groups and classes, please check back often to ensure you are up to date with our learning.  Newsletters, policies and our school handbook will give you a flavour of what we do and why and we have included our homework packs in case you have mislaid yours.  You will find medical forms of all sorts to assist us in the care of your child and information on our school uniform.  Our parent council page gives you some idea of the work that goes on behind the scenes.  Our school calendar page tells you what’s on throughout the year and we have included links to useful sites and school partners.

We have included a twitter feed on our website, please follow us on twitter at: https://twitter.com/WoodlandsPrim1 as we update this twice a week with information that is relevant to pupils and parents.

Please send any feedback into school by emailing woodlands@angusschools.org.uk, we look forward to improving our website together.

P4/P6 code club

Our P4/P6 code club launched on Feb 20th and will run for 6 weeks.  The children will create their own scratch account and will learn to code using blocks in scratch.  We will build interactive stories, animations and games and learn to think creatively, systematically and work collaboratively.  Our successful projects will be placed on twitter, or ask your child to show what they have been working on and give it a go yourself.