Author Archives: Miss Mulliss

STEM Early Level.

Miss Mulliss and Mrs Arbuckle attended a training course at SSERC Dunfermline on Friday 30th August. It was very informative and gave us great ideas.

We investigated sorting trays and how we could use these in our learning at early level. We also went outdoors to try different activities we could do outside for example making a human sundial.

Image result for sserc dunfermline   We also were given ideas for teaching the senses, these were really great fun! We also made ice cream and this allowed us to think about how we would use ice in our classroom to teach about states of matter.

We are attending the second training day at the end of November and are sure we come back to school with more wonderful ideas for learning and teaching of STEM at Early Level.

P1 STEM – cars

We worked as a class in small groups to make cars using a shoe box as the car. This was a STEM project as we used different aspects of STEM learning to help us be successful. We made our car for Teddy to go on holiday. We had to make sure the car was able to move.

Here are the steps below

  1. First we had paper to plan our design
  2. Next we designed our cars
  3. We used the hole punch to make the holes for the wood to go through
  4. Then we had to measure the stick for the wheels to go on
  5. We used the junior hack saw to cut the right size
  6. Then we had to sharpen the ends to put the wheels on
  7. Finally we attached the wheels to the sticks and put them onto the car

After we designed our cars we went through to primary two to see their cars and talk about their designs. We drew a road on the carpet to see if our cars would move and they were all successful!


ImageSome thoughts from the primary one pupils –

I enjoyed designing my car

I liked using the saw

I found using the saw difficult

I found it hard to punch the hole

I would have liked to paint the car

I would add more to my design
