Nursery – People who help us in our community

The nursery children have been interested in learning about people who help us in our community.  We had a visit to nursery from two police officers on motorbikes and the children who wanted to had a turn sitting on the bikes and then had a chance to ask the police some questions. Mary, our lovely lollipop lady came into the nursery to tell us all about what she does, and the children asked lots of questions. We were able to sing Mary a road safety with Ziggy song that we had learnt. We also had Mrs Grieve who is a nurse, and one of our mums, who came in and showed us what nurses who work in theatre wear and the children tried out some of the equipment.  This week we went down to the local Fire Station for a visit and the children got to try on helmets, sit in the fire engine and learn all about what fire fighters do! Through these real-life experiences and imaginary play, we are learning how local shops and services provide us with what we need in our daily lives.  Also, by exploring our local community, we are learning about the different roles people play and how they can help.  Who knows what the future brings for these little people. We are having a visit from our local Coastguard soon to learn about all the work they do for us.