Primary 7 News

Primary 7 have been very busy this term.  In maths we have been learning about algebra.  We have been collecting terms, simplifying expressions, expanding the brackets and learning new rules like the ‘change side, change sign’ rule.  We have also been adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing negative numbers.

In writing we have been preparing our pupil profiles for moving to high school using ICT to support us.  Recently we have worked with P3 to create imaginative characters and in MIE we have learned how the create atmosphere and a film trailer.

Our science topic has focussed on materials and how to conduct a fair experiment.  We have been learning about particles, the properties of materials and their changes.  In class we conducted experiments and looked at dissolving , predicting which materials would dissolve in water.

Primary 7 had a fabulous residential trip to Ardeonaig.  We had a great time staying away for 3 nights.  Our activities included hill walking, canoeing, high ropes, the pizza box, archery and team challenged.

We have now had our final transition days to our high schools.  We visited a range of classes and met some of our future teachers.  In chemistry we we conducted an experiment and used the bunsen burner and in home economics we made scones.

We are looking forward to starting first year.