All posts by Mrs Stewart

Francis the Scaredy Cat

Today we read this book. Mrs Stewart asked us to predict the title again. At first, we thought the cat looked sad but Mrs Stewart asked us to think about what else it might be feeling. We came really close with a prediction of “The Scared Cat.”

The book is about a cat who is left alone in a house and is scared by a hissing noise it hears from outside. We don’t want to spoil the story for anyone, but it is a really good book to talk about why we are sometimes scared of things that we don’t need to be.

We chatted about the things we are most scared of. Snakes were quite high on our list. If we ever meet a snake we are going to be brave, ignore it or run away!

Making Predictions

We have been learning to know and use the term “prediction” when looking at story books in class. We looked at the cover of this book, but Mrs Stewart hid the title from us.

We had to predict what the title would be by looking really closely at the picture and using all the clues available to us. We agreed that Emily made the best prediction with “The Girl who wanted a Lion for a Pet.”

Afterwards, we made these lovely lions from paper plates. They make a great display outside our classroom.

New beginnings!

Today was our first day back at school. We were all looking very smart in our new school uniforms.

We spoke about our goals and expectations for Primary 2. Mrs Stewart told us that we are going to work very hard this year but will be having lots of fun as well!

The walls of our classroom are a bit bare at the moment, but Mrs Stewart said that we will quickly fill it up with all our own work. Our first job was to make some “Back to School” pencil glyphs to decorate our walls.

A glyph is a way of showing information in the form of a picture. For example, if we were a packed lunch today we made our pencil with a pink rubber, the dinners chose green and the homes chose red. Here are some pictures so you can see what we did.

Our display
We chose a pencil colour to reflect how we were feeling.

We have more pictures of our first day which we will be posting soon. Keep checking back to see what we are doing.