Week 2- CLIC targets



Yes, Zero Marking! | Big Maths

C- Counting – Count Fourways- Understanding fractions on a number line, recognising and understanding the size of fractions, e.g. which is bigger ¼ or ⅖? Finally we will be focusing on equivalent fractions.

L- Learn Its- Times Tables Challenge and some targeted revision.

I- It’s Nothing New- Jigsaw Numbers with multiple digits e.g. 23 + ?= 273, 347 + ? = 2841, 363.1 + ? = 8472.3

C-Calculations – Division- using different methods to solve long division e.g. coin multiplication, long division using the bus stop method.


Week 1- Pupil of the Week🥳🤩


⭐️TYLER! ⭐️

Well done Tyler! You showed massive determination in your attitude towards your learning and behaviour this week. You have showed a very mature side to yourself and put 100% effort into your work. Well done Tyler, great effort, keep this up!


Bitmoji Image

Week 1- Term 4

Massive WELCOME BACK to primary 7! We have all settled back into the ‘in school’ routine and have all been working very hard. It is the last term at Abbotswell and emotions will be high. It is the countdown to the end, so we are going to make sure this is the best term yet!


This term we will be looking at

Literacy- Job applications, Editorials, Slogans, Expositions

Numeracy/CLIC- We are focusing on different CLIC targets each week with the aim to also all get a gold star in our TIMESTABLES challenge.

Maths- Fractions, Percentages and Decimals, and Angles

French- Conversations, school items, food

Health and Wellbeing- Healthy focus, looking at our overall health and aiming to also improve our stamina, energy and enjoyment in PE.

Topic- Finance, p7 have a fantastic opportunity to take part in the fiver challenge- making money from just a fiver for cash for kids and using our entrepreneurial/business skills to do so.

Expressive Arts- We will be doing a lot of drama linked to our literacy and also in preparation for our end of term assembly. We will also be doing some art inspired by angles.


It is going to be a very busy term with lots of transition activities, learning and fun!

As always any questions please get in touch.