Our Work This Week

We have really been enjoying our Food topic work. On Monday we discussed food miles and sorted foods by whether they were grown in the UK or abroad. On Tuesday we planted cress seeds and started a cress diary to document the growth of our plants.

We also received some new activities for Soft Start. We’ve had a great time learning how to use them and Miss Stephen has been teaching us how to play dominoes.

CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets for the week 26/04/2021:

C – Counting Along (Step 1): I can count along a number line when the numbers are written in.

L – Step 9: 5+7, 5+8, 6+8, 5+9, 6+9, 7+9

I – Doubling and Halving: Halving (Step 3): I know half of 300, 500, 700 and 900.

C – Subtraction (Step 16): I can take a 1 digit number from a multiple of 10.
Remember to find the starting number, count back the right amount and see where you have landed.
For example 50 – 6 = ?

You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets for the week 19/04/2021:

C – Counting Multiples (Step 4): I can count in 3s.

L – Step 9: 5+7, 5+8, 6+8, 5+9, 6+9, 7+9

I – Doubling and Halving: Doubling with crossing 10s (Step 3):I can double 2 digit numbers.
Remember to partition the 2 digit number first. Then double the tens and double the units before putting them back together again.
For example: Double 26 = Double 20 + 6 = 40 + 12 = 52

C – Addition (Step 16): I can add a 1 digit number to a 2 digit tens number.
Remember to say the tens number and then say the tens number with the units digit added on.
For example 30 + 4 = 34.

You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets for the week 12/04/2021:

C – CORE Numbers (Step 3): I can understand 2 digit numbers
For example, compare and order numbers from 0 to 100; use <, > and = signs and partition numbers in different ways.

L – Step 9: 5+7, 5+8, 6+8, 5+9, 6+9, 7+9

I – Adding with Pim (Step 3): I can add thousands.
For example 3000 + 4000 = 7000

C – Division (Step 12): I can find how many altogether by counting in 2s, 5s or 10s.
Remember to count the objects all out into piles of the group size then count how many altogether by counting in multiples of the group size.

You can practise these targets each day.

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