Here are the CLIC targets for this week.
CLIC Targets for the week 01/02/2021:
C – Reading Numbers (Step 6): I can read 3 digit numbers.
Remember to say the hundreds digit then say ‘and’ and finally say the 2 digit number. For example, 265= Two hundred…. and sixty five.
L – Practise these facts: 5x table.
There are some great games on Topmarks and Education City to help you memorise your 5x table facts!
I – Halving With Pim (Step 2): I know half of 30, 50, 70 and 90.
C – Subtraction (Step 13): I can take 10 from a multiple of 10.
Remember to find the starting number, count back 10 and see where you have landed.
You can practise these targets each day. See Google Classroom for some questions to answer or try writing some questions of your own.