Here are the CLIC targets for this week.
CLIC Targets for the week 08/02/2021:
C – Count Fourways: I can count in 50s.
Try counting from 0-250 in 50s. Can you count forward and backward in 50s?
L – Practise these facts: 5x table.
There are some great games on Topmarks and Education City to help you memorise your 5x table facts!
I – Adding With Pim (Step 2): I can add hundreds.
Remember to use your addition Learn Its and swap ‘the thing’ to a hundred.
C – Addition (Step 14): I can add 10 to a 2 digit tens number.
Remember to find the number and add one to the tens digit.
You can practise these targets each day. See Google Classroom for some questions to answer or try writing some questions of your own.