CLIC Targets – Week Beginning 24.5.21

This week we are continuing to work on many of our targets this week. We can’t wait to see confidence improve across the week!

C- I can partition a 2 digit number

  • Remember to…
  • Write the 2 digit number
  • Draw the sticks
  • Copy the units digit
  • Copy the tens digit with a zero on the end

For example: 67= 60+7, 84=80+4, 32= 30+2

Can your child please ask you child to partition the following numbers. I have attached an example below.


L-  We are continuing with our doubling learn its target.

  • 6+6, 7+7, 8+8, 9+9
  • Multiples of 2 (in counting)
  • 4 links to be made
  •  6 links to 12
  • 7 links to 14
  • 8 links to 16
  • 9 links to 18

I have attached hit the button below you may want to play to practice this target. We’d love to see videos of some speedy recall!
I- We are continuing to explore fact families in class this week.

  • I know the fact families for 1d+1d facts
  • Remember to…
  • Copy the learn its
  • Write the switcher
  • Bring the total (sum) to the front, change the symbol and write the 2 answers

For example, 5+2=7, 2+5=7, 7-2=5, 7-5=2

We have attached a video below to help explain this target.

Ask your child to write the fact families for the following:

  • 4+5=9
  • 6+2=8
  • 9+1=10
  • 5+1=6

C- Multiplication: I can find the total amount of dots.

  • Remember to…
  • Set out three lots of 4 dots
  • Set out one lot of 4
  • Set out another lot of 4
  • Set out one more lot of 4
  • Check that you have 3 groups
  • Check there are 4 dots in each group
  • Count all of the dots to find the total

Ask your child to draw out the following and find the total.

  • Seven lots of 2
  • Five lots of 3
  • Three lots of 4

You will find the videos attached on Google Classroom.


CLIC Targets – Week Beginning 26.4.21

C- I can read 3 digit multiples of 10.
Remember to..

  • Say the hundreds digit
  • Then say ‘hundred’
  • Say ‘and’
  • Read the multiple of 10
  • e.g. 320. say the hundreds digit then say ‘hundred ( 3 hundred), say ‘and’ then the multiple of 10 (and 20) = ‘three hundred and twenty


L- 6+6, 7+7, 8+8, 9+9
We would love to see some videos of your progress learning these.

I- Doubling and halving

We are going to look at doubling and halving again, with a particular focus on numbers above 10
6+6=12           Half of 12 = 6
7+7= 14          Half of 14 = 7
8+8=16           Half of 16 = 8
9+9=18           Half of 18=9
10+10=20       Half of 20=10

Practise these on Hit the Button!
– Hit the Button
– Doubles or Halves
– Doubles or Halves to 10


  • : I can take away within 20
  • Remember to…
  • Find the starting number
  • Count back the right amount… one jump for each number
  • See where you have landed

Ask your child to solve  the questions below, using a number line or counters for support


CLIC Targets – Week Beginning 19.4.21

C- I can read 3 digit multiples of 100.
Remember to..

  • Say the hundreds digit
  • Then say ‘hundred’

Attached below is a video you may want to watch. Ask your child to read the numbers below out of sequence.


L- 6+6, 7+7, 8+8, 9+9
We would love to see some videos of your progress learning these.

I- Fact Families
I know the fact families for 1d+1d facts

  • Remember to…
  • Copy the learn its
  • Write the switcher
  • Bring the total (sum) to the front, change the symbol and write the 2 answers.

For example 3+2=5, 2+3=5, 5-3=2, 5-2=3I have attached a worksheet with examples to try. There is no need to print the worksheet.

  • : I can take a 1d number from a number to 20
  • Remember to…
  • Find the starting number
  • Count back the right amount… one jump for each number
  • See where you have landed

Ask your child to solve  the questions below.



You will find links to videos and worksheets on Google Classroom.

CLIC Targets – Week beginning 12.4.21

C -I can count past 100

  • Remember to…
  • say the last 2 digits as you normally do
  • Change the hundreds word when you get to ‘..99’

L- 6+6, 7+7, 8+8, 9+9

I- Worded addition problems.

  • Joey has 11 sweets, he gets 4 more. How many does Joey have altogether?
  • James has 10 sweets, Lucy has 3 more. How many does Lucy have?
  • Hannah has 10p she is given an extra 5p. How much money does she have now?
  • Lucy has 8 cakes, she makes 10 more. How many cakes does she have now?

(If your child is finding this easy give them some further questions with bigger numbers.)

C-   I can share 8, 12, 16 or 20 objects between 4 people

  • Remember to…
  • Take turns giving each person one at a time
  • Check at the end that everyone has the same amount

CLIC Targets – Week Beginning 8.3.21

These are our CLIC targets for the week:

C – CORE numbers

I can count to 100. Practise counting to 100, use the attached video to help.

As a challenge, can you choose a number between 1 and 100 and have your child count on from that number?

L – Learn It’s

4+3, 5+3, 6+3

We are working on instant recall of these number sentences, without using fingers or other materials

We would love to see a video of some quick recall!

I – Jigsaw numbers to 10

Revisit jigsaw numbers to 10. Can you recall them instantly?

Follow the link to Top Marks, Hit the Button – Number Bonds – make 10

C – I can read, arrange and solve an addition number sentence
I can read a number sentence
Read it:
– Read your number sentence
– Say ‘add’ for +
– Say ‘equals’ for =

Arrange it:
– Set out the number of objects for the sentence
3 (blocks) plus 4 (blocks)

Solve it:
– Add the 2 amounts together
– Count how many there are altogether

Practice with these number sentences:
5 + 2
3 + 4
6 + 1
7 + 2
2 + 6

If you would like a further challenge you could start to work with number above 10.


CLIC Targets – Week beginning 22.02.21

These are our CLIC targets for this week:


C – CORE numbers

I can understand numbers to 10

  • Show visually number stories e.g 5 = 3+2, 2+3, 4+1, 1+4 etc

L – Learn It’s

4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2, 9+2

  • We are working on instant recall of these number sentences, without using fingers or other materials

I – Doubling and Halving

Continue to work on doubling and halving within 20. Our doubling is coming along nicely, but we need some more practise with halving.

C – I can solve a subtraction number sentence

  • e.g 6-6
  • Remember to:
  • Read the number sentence
  • Set out the number of objects to start with
  • Tell me how many you will be taking away
  • Take the object away
  • Count how many are left

CLIC Targets – Week Beginning 08.02.21

You’ll see below that many of our CLIC targets have remained the same as last week. Keep trying to practice these targets over the coming days and bolster your child’s confidence. Counting- I can count to 100. I have attached a video below. We love using Jack Hartman in class to get moving and counting. There are lots of his videos available on Youtube.

Learn Its-

The learn its schedule 5: 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2,9+2, 4+3, 5+3, 6+3

The aim across the next term is to develop quick recall of these addition sums. Practise them for a short amount of time each day. You could use fingers or concrete materials if your child needs this support. Over the coming weeks we will work towards your child being able to instantly feel confident with the answers to these sums. We’d love to see videos of your progress.


It’s Nothing New- Doubling and Halving within 20.

We have worked on both doubling and halving within 20 over the last few weeks. This week we would like you to give your child a mixture of doubling and halving questions to solve to see if they can confidently distinguish between the two. Hit the button can still be used to help develop quick recall.


Calculations- Multiplication:

I can find the total amount of blocks (Sets out 3 lots of 4 blocks and finds the total)

Remember to:

-Set out one ‘lot of’ 4

-Set out another ‘lot of’ 4

-Set out one more ;lot of’ 4

-Check you have 3 groups

-Check there are 4 blocks in each group

Give your child concrete materials to physically make groups for you. For example ask them to make 5 groups of 2. Once they have set out their groups, ask your child to find the total for you.  Again we would love to see any photos or videos of your progress.

You will find 2 additional videos on Google Classroom to support these targets.


Hit the Button: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Video (Count to 100) : https://youtu.be/3txltaYkTyE


P2 CLIC targets – week beginning 29.09.20

C-  CORE NumbersI can understand numbers to 10.



Round Numbers


We will be exploring visual number stories E.g 5 = 3+2, 2+3, 4+1, 1+4, 3+1+1. 

L- Multiples of 10.

I-Doubling and Halving: I can double 1 digit numbers.

Remember to: learn that double…

  • 1 is 2
  • 2 is 4
  • 3 is 6
  • 4 is 8

We will also be discussing the relationship between doubling and halving. 

C-I can add numbers of objects to 10.

Remember to:

  • Find out how many there are in the larger group.
  • Count on from the larger group
  • Count each one carefully

P2 CLIC Targets Week Beginning 21.9.20


Reading numbers– I can read the numbers 11-20.

Remember to:

  • Say what you see! (11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
  • Say the units digit first 
  • Say ‘teen’ for ‘ten’ (14, 16, 17,18,19)

Learn Its- 1+2, 2+3

It’s Nothing New-

Doubling and Halving: I can double 1 digit numbers. ‘Double 4 is 8’

Remember to: learn that double…

  • 1 is 2
  • 2 is 4
  • 3 is 6
  • 4 is 8


I add the right number and can count how many altogether.

Remember to:

  • Count how many objects you have
  • See how many need adding
  • Count out how many you are going to add
  • Add each one carefully 
  • Count how many there are altogether