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Week beginning 9.1.17

Welcome back. Hope you all had a lovely break over Christmas and the New Year.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.


Big Maths


C – Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

L – 7+4=11, 8+4=12, 9+4=13     and      8+3=11, 9+3=12

–  Halving

C – Division by grouping or sharing


Our focus for written maths work this week is division.



French – This week we will revise

Ou h’abites-tu? Where do you live? 

J’habite a Aberdeen. I live in Aberdeen.

J’habite en Ecosse. I live in Scotland.



Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is ow. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then. Some of the children have an extra spelling challenge again in their homework book.

You can see how your child got on with last term’s spelling at the back of the homework book.


Topic – Our topic for the start of this term will be Scotland.


Week beginning 19.12.16

This week we have the P2 and P3 Christmas party on Thursday afternoon. 
On Friday at 9.30am we will be attending church.
Remember it’s treat snack day too on Friday.
School finishes for the holidays at 3.00pm on Friday.
Hope you all have a lovely Christmas.


Reading – Books will be taken in on Monday. No new books will go out this week.


Big Maths

Maths – This week we will do some Christmas related maths with some addition, subtraction, multiplication and grid references.



French – This week we will revise some of the topics we have covered.



Homework – There will be no spelling homework again this week.




Topic – The children have been busy making Christmas booklets which they will take home at the end of term. Any unfinished sheets can be completed at home if you’re looking for a time filler. We will also do some more Christmas crafts including our Christmas cards.

Week beginning 12.12.16

This week we have the Christmas Concert on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. 
Christmas movie afternoon is on Thursday.
Christmas jumper day is on Friday. Please bring £1 for Save the Children.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.


Big Maths

Maths – continued from last week

C – Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

L – 7+4=11, 8+4=12, 9+4=13     and      8+3=11, 9+3=12

–  Halving

C – Division by grouping in 2s, 5s and 10s


Our focus for other maths work this week is division again.



French – This week we will revise asking and answering

Where do you live?          I live in Aberdeen/Scotland.

Ou habites-tu?    J’habite a Aberdeen.      J’habite en Ecosse.



Homework – There will be no spelling homework this week. Reading books will be the only homework.


Topic – Our topic work for this week and next will be mainly related to Christmas.