Week beginning 31.10.16


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday. Thursday’s book will not be read in school, but will just be taken home to read.  We have another Kincorth library visit on Thursday morning after playtime.


Big Maths


C – Counting multiples of 5

L – 7+4=11, 8+4=12, 9+4=13

–  Fact Families  e.g. 2+4=6, 4+2=6, 6-2=4, 6-4=2

C – Calculations –  multiplication by repeated addition




Our focus for other maths work this week is still shape, moving on to position and movement. We will finish off our investigations of 3D shapes and move on to symmetry and grid references.



French – This week we will focus on the months

January janvier

February fevrier

March mars

April avril

May mai

June juin

July juillet

August aout

September septembre

October octobre

November novembre

December decembre




Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is y=ay. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then. Some of the children have an extra spelling challenge again in their homework book.

You can see how your child got on with last week’s spelling at the back of the homework book.


Topic – Last week we found out about how the ancient Egyptians made paper. They used a plant called papyrus which grew on the banks of the River Nile.




Week beginning 24.10.16

Welcome back to the new term. Hope you all had an enjoyable holiday.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday. They enjoyed choosing books at the library on the last week of term and we have arranged to go back next week. Our shared reading with P6 will start again this week. Look out for some more photos.


Big Maths


C – Counting multiples of 2

L – 7+4=11, 8+4=12, 9+4=13

–  Halving 3, 5, 7 and 9

C – Calculations  addition and subtraction

Our focus for other maths work this week is still shape. We have been looking at tiling patterns with 2D shapes and are now ready to move on to 3D shape. We will be revising their names (cube, cuboid, cone, sphere, cylinder, triangular prism, pyramid) and looking at their properties such as faces, edges and corners.



French – This week we will focus on asking and responding to

Where do you live?        Ou habites-tu?

I live in Aberdeen.           J’habite a Aberdeen.




Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is ay. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then. Some of the children have an extra spelling challenge again in their homework book.

You can see how your child got on with last week’s spelling at the back of the homework book.


Topic – The children have been doing some more research on Ancient Egypt on the internet looking for interesting facts. We have been finding out about how the pyramids were built and have started making a paper chain of Egyptians by folding and cutting paper.
