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Week beginning 8.5.17

Parent interviews letters have been issued. Please return with your preferred date.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.

Big Maths


C – Reading and writing 3 digit numbers

L –   5 x table

–  Dividing multiples of 10 by 10            130 divided by 10 = 13

C – Division –  using a tables fact to find the answer

Our focus for other maths work this week will be addition starting off with revision to 20 then moving on to numbers to 100.



French – This week we will focus on the weather.

We will ask and reply to –

Quel temps fait-il?  What is the weather like?



Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is au as in haul and because. There are some really tricky words this week. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then. Some of the children have an extra spelling challenge again in their homework book.

You can see how your child got on with last week’s spelling at the back of the homework book.

Topic – We have now read six chapters of our book Charlotte’s Web. The children have now met Charlotte, the spider who becomes Wilbur’s friend. We have been researching spider facts on the internet. See if your child can tell you one of the interesting facts they found out.

Week beginning 1.5.17

This is a very short week. The children are only in school for 2 days.

Monday – holiday

Tuesday – in-service (no pupils)

Wednesday – school open as usual

Thursday – polling day (school closed to staff and pupils)

Friday – school open as usual


In class we will continue working on the same topics as last week. There will be no new reading books or homework this week. The children will do some reading in school with their book buddy from P6. Our student, Miss Lyon, joins us again this week for 4 weeks.

Week beginning 24.4.17

This term the class will have science with Mrs Brechin on a Monday morning and music with Mr Smith on a Tuesday afternoon. Our regular gym slot is also on a Tuesday afternoon. This week we have an extra gym time on Wednesday morning with some students from RGU. They will be working with classes for 4 weeks. We will be walking up to Kincorth Library on Thursday morning to choose new books.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday. Thursday’s book will not be read in school as we are going to Kincorth Library in our reading time.

Big Maths


C – Squiggleworth 3 digit numbers

L –   5 x table

–  Multiplying whole numbers by 10

C – Multiplication 1 digit x 1 digit


3 5 7

three hundred and fifty seven

Our focus for other maths work this week is number and place value. We will also be estimating where numbers come on a number line and reading and writing number words.


French – This week we will focus on the months of the year.

We will ask and reply to –

Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?  When is your birthday?



Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is ur as in turn and church. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then. Some of the children have an extra spelling challenge again in their homework book.

You can see how your child got on with last week’s spelling at the back of the homework book.

Topic – Our topic for this term is Charlotte’s Web. We will be reading the book and doing activities related to it. Last week we listened to the first 2 chapters. The children have now met some of the main characters – a little girl called Fern and her pig called Wilbur.

Week beginning 18.4.17

Welcome back to the last term of the session. Hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday.


Reading – The children will get 1 new book this week on Thursday.


Big Maths


C – Counting in multiples of 3

L –    5+4=9    5+6=11   6+7=13   8+7=15   8+9=17

–  Fact families – write given 1 addition fact

C – Subtraction 2 digit – 1 digit counting back from larger number


Our focus for other maths work this week is number and place value. We will be counting in hundreds, tens and units and thinking about ordering numbers.



French – This week we will revise number, colour and days/months.



Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is ir as in bird and first. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then. Some of the children have an extra spelling challenge again in their homework book.

You can see how your child got on with last term’s spelling at the back of the homework book.

Week beginning 27.3.17

Here we are at the last week of this term. Miss Lyon has now finished this block of her placement with us and will be back in May for 4 weeks.  School finishes for the holidays on Friday 31st March at 3.00pm and we return on Tuesday 18th April.

This week we will be attending church on Friday at 10.30am.

Hope you all enjoy the Easter Holidays.


Reading – The children will get 1 new book this week on Monday. Books will be taken in for the holidays on Thursday.


Big Maths


C – Counting in multiples of  3

L –    5+4=9    5+6=11   6+7=13   8+7=15   8+9=17

–  Fact Families   write the fact family given an addition fact

C – Subtraction   2 digit number – 1 digit number

Our focus for other maths work this week is again number and place value. We will be counting, looking at number patterns and at which columns show the hundreds, tens and units.



French – This week we will continue with our focus on number.  We will consolidate –




21 vingt et un

22 vingt-deux

23 vingt-trois

24 vingt-quatre

25 vingt-cinq

26 vingt-six

27 vingt-sept

28 vingt-huit

29 vingt-neuf

30 trente

31 trente et un


Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is er as in fern and river. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Thursday this week so homework should be completed by then. Some of the children have an extra spelling challenge again in their homework book.

You can see how your child got on with last week’s spelling at the back of the homework book.

Topic – This week we will round off our topic of senses and do some activities related to Easter.