Week beginning 26.6.17

Here is what’s on for our last week of term.

Monday – we will be outside in the afternoon for a potted sports involving teams of children from all classes.

Tuesday – talent show for the children in the morning.

Wednesday – whole school trip to the Duthie Park in the morning. In the afternoon the children will meet their new teacher in their new classroom.

Thursday – P7 leavers’ assembly in the afternoon.

Friday – Church service at 9.30am. The children can bring something in to do in class for the last day of term. Treat snack day.

There will be no homework this week and I will take reading books in on Monday. Please bring a bag for carrying work home.

Hope you all have a lovely summer holiday. Good luck for P4.

Week beginning 19.6.17

The children all enjoyed the trip last week. They had great fun in Smuggler’s Cove and then at the park at the beach. We were lucky that the rain stayed away too!



Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.

Big Maths


C – Counting forwards and backwards from various numbers

L –   5 + 9 = 14,  6 + 9 = 15,  7 + 9 = 16

–  Jigsaw numbers – missing piece to 100        54 + ___ = 100

C – Addition –  2d + 2d numbers

Our focus for other maths work this week will be fractions. We will be finding fractions of shapes  and amounts and looking at how we write the notation for fractions.



French – This week we will revise greetings, colours and weather.



Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is ph  as in phone and dolphin. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then.

You can see how your child got on with last week’s spelling at the back of the homework book.

We will have more time this week to listen to the talks the children have prepared at home.

Topic – We have now finished reading our book Charlotte’s Web and have started watching the film. We will continue with it this week. The children will also be sorting the story into the correct order and making stick puppets to act out parts of the story.

Week beginning 12.6.17

Our trip is on Wednesday this week. Don’t forget packed lunches and come prepared for any weather! 

We are going for our final visit to Kincorth Library on Thursday.

Achiever’s assembly is on Friday and Sports has also been rearranged for Friday. Hopefully the weather will be fine this time!



Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday. Thursday’s book will not be read in school but can be read at home. We are going to Kincorth Library during our reading time on Thursday.

Big Maths


C – Counting forwards and backwards from various numbers

L –   5 + 9 = 14,  6 + 9 = 15,  7 + 9 = 16

–  Jigsaw numbers – missing piece to 100        54 + ___ = 100

C – Division –  use a tables fact to find a division fact


Our focus for other maths work this week will again be subtraction.



French – This week we will revise days, months and numbers.



Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is wh as in white and wheel. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then.

You can see how your child got on with last week’s spelling at the back of the homework book.

Talks will start this week so the children can bring in their things to show from Monday.

Topic – We are almost at the end of our book Charlotte’s Web. We will watch the film of the book next. The children will be ordering the story this week and finding out about baby animals and their names.

Week beginning 5.6.17

This week we have Sports Day on Wednesday. P1-3 at 10am.

School will be closed on Thursday due to polling.


Reading – The children will get 1 new book this week on Monday.

Big Maths


C – Counting using tens frames (tens and units)

L –  6+8=14       5+7=12        5+8=13

– Fact Families         multiplication/division

C – Subtraction 2d – 2d

Our focus for other maths work this week will be subtraction. We will be taking away from 2 digit numbers up to 100.



French – This week our French will be revision of daily greetings such as “How are you?” and asking and answering “What is the weather like?”



Homework – Our spelling pattern this week is silent k as in knee and knit. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday this week so homework should be completed by then.

For the children who have 10 words, the first two are words which can be sounded out, with the rest of the words containing our pattern.

You can see how your child got on with last week’s spelling at the back of the homework book.

The children have one more week to prepare their talk homework.

Topic – We have now read up to chapter 17 of our book Charlotte’s Web. The children have been finding out how to use PowerPoint on the computer and making a slide with a title, pictures and a background colour. Our subject has been either spiders or pigs to relate it to our topic. We will continue next week by adding some more information or animations.