Week beginning 29.8.16

Walk a mile


The children have been out in the playground now for the last week walking for 15 minutes before playtime. This will continue in order to promote physical health and wellbeing.


French map

We have been revising some of our French words and phrases in class over the last 2 weeks. This week we will focus on How are you? Ca va? and responding.


Big Maths

Our main focus for maths has been our Big Maths CLIC sessions. The children did their first Beat That assessment on Friday and these will continue each Friday in order for them to improve their score.

Learn Its to revise at home (try to remember the answer with no working out or thinking time) –

doubles                            1+1 ………9+9

facts for 10                    1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6

adding 2 and 3              4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2, 9+2           4+3, 5+3, 6+3



The children will have reading and spelling homework this week.

Please write each word 3 times in the homework jotter and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each.

Spelling test will be on Friday.



Our timetable is beginning to take shape. The children will have music with Mr Smith on a Tuesday afternoon and gym with Mrs Brechin on a Wednesday morning. Assembly and golden time will be on a Friday.