Homework for 4.2.19

Spelling Write your words. Then write them again using a coloured pencils to divide the words into syllables.

For example: jumping     caterpillar

Literacy – Due Thursday 14th February.

  1. Read the poem and complete the comprehension. Remember to write in full sentences.
  2. Add your own verse to the poem, keeping with the author’s style.


  1. Practise both your times tables and your division facts on Hit the Button. This will help with your fractions. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
  2. OPTIONAL EXTRA: Equivalent Fractions Challenge on Google Classroom.

Research ProjectContinue researching your Scottish scientist, engineer or inventor. This week you must research the invention/discovery/contribution to their field. Use the following questions to help you:

– What did they invent/discover/work on?

– What makes this work special or important?

– What contribution has it made to society?

There is no need to physically hand anything to school this week. Keep what you find in a safe place (handwritten or electronic) so you can continue your research next week.

Week Beginning 21.1.19

It has been a busy few weeks. The class timetable has changed, Mrs Dalziel is teaching on Tuesdays. The P5 classes are also getting golf lessons on Tuesdays, so PE is now on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

In Science we have been learning about sound. This week we learnt that sound vibrations can travel through solids, liquids and gases, but not in space. The class made string telephones in pairs and tested them out in different ways to see how well the sound can travel along the string.

This term our topic is ‘Time Detectives’. This week we learnt about Alexander Graham Bell and how he came to invent the telephone. We looked at pictures of different telephones and how they have changed. Next week we will make a timeline of showing the evolution of the telephone.

In celebration of Burns Night, P3-5 pupils learnt about Robert Burns in assembly with Mrs Dalziel. P5M then spent time reading ‘To A Mouse’ and in groups performed a verse for the rest of the class. Everyone worked hard and put in a lot of effort to nail the Scots accent and speak loudly and clearly so everyone could hear. The results were excellent, especially given the short amount of preparation time. Well done!

Homework for 28.1.19

Spelling – “Pyramid write” your spelling words.  You must write neatly!

Literacy Prepositions sentences. Write these in your homework jotter.

Research ProjectResearch a Scottish scientist, engineer or inventor. Over the upcoming weeks, you will research different things about your chosen person and then present your final project as a poster or powerpoint. This week you must:

  • Select a person to research about
  • Research basic facts about the person such as date of birth, date of death (if no longer living), where they come from.

There is no need to physically hand anything to school this week. Keep what you find in a safe place (handwritten or electronic) so you can continue your research next week. The final deadline will be in February, tbc.

Scots VersesChoose one of the poems, learn it and continue to practise reciting it at home. Everyone will recite their poem for the class.