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Week Beginning 17.06.19

Art and Science

This week we had an art and science project – we made volcanoes! First we used plastics bottles and paper mache to build our volcanoes. We left it to try and then we painted our volcanoes the next day. On Friday, we used water, bicarbonate soda, washing up liquid, vinegar and food colouring to create a chemical reaction. First we put the vinegar in our volcanoes. Then we mixed all the other ingredients together and poured it into the volcanoes and washed the chemical reaction cause our volcanoes to react!



On Wednesday, the SPPCA came to visit us. We learned lots about their visitor centres and what they do to help animals. We then got to do a quiz about different animals and when we got an answer right we got to build a piece of the owl robot! Finally we got the chance to programme the owl to move and make sounds.


Week beginning 10.06.19


This week we have been learning about measure. First we learned about length. We learned that there are 100 cm in a meter and 1000 meters in a kilometer. In pairs, we estimated and measured different items in the classroom.

We then learned about weight. We learned that there are 1000 grams in a kilogram. First we estimated and then used scales to measure the weight of different items in the classroom. We also used weights to compare the weight of different items.


Mindful Moments

With Mrs Cox this week we listened to a meditation video. We had to close our eyes and listen carefully and do what the lady said. It made us feel calm and relaxed.



This week we have had lots of practises of our dance. On Wednesday, Mrs Sangster came in to help us improve the dance and it’s looking amazing! We have also practised dancing in front of an audience! We have performed in front of all of the P4s and next week we will be performing at assembly!


“This week has been amazing! I have enjoyed dancing with Mrs Sangster.” – Megan

“This week has went past really quickly! I really enjoyed writing my sports day recount.” – Kiersten

“I really enjoyed measuring length with a partner.” –  Ellie

” I really enjoyed measuring the length of the blue unit with Kiersten. It measured 49 meteres!” – Mark

” This week has been fun because we have been measuring lots of things.” – Fraser


Week beginning 27.05.19

Science Experiment

P4G are exploring what plants need to grow. As a class we thought about what we think plants need to grow. We think they need water, sunlight, space and soil. Each child has planted their own sunflower seed which will get sunlight, water, soil and space. We have also planted four different seeds. One will not get water, one will not get soil, one will not get space and one will not get light. Over five weeks we will watch our plants grow and compare them to the plants which will not get water, soil, light or space.


Haiku Poems

On Wednesday we learned that Haiku Poems only have three lines and are normally about nature. The first line only has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables and the third has five syllables. In pairs we wrote poems about the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon Rainforest. We all done an amazing job!

Week beginning 20.05.2019

Rainforest Art

P4G have created some excellent rainforest art which shows the different layers of the rainforest. The children also included animals and placed them in the layer where they live.


This week the children practised some of the activities for Sports Day. We had a go at the javelin, dribbling, shoot for the stars and hurdles.


The children wrote a descriptive poem this week about the Amazon Rainforest. First we took notes of all the different things we might see, touch. We had 27 fantastic poems written on Wednesday afternoon!


Weeks beginning 15.3.19 & 22.3.19



P4G had a visit from a dance teacher who helped us with our dance that we are learning for the Darcy  Bussell dance competition. She was very impressed by us!


In pairs we had to made a catapult for a marshmallow using a spoon and a lollypop stick. We learned that our catapults used forces to move the marshmallow through the air.

Our Trip to Duthie Park

On Tuesday we went on a trip to Duthie Park. In the morning we learned lots of interesting information about the history of Duthie Park. After lunch we had time to play in the park. Lots of fun was

had by all!

Week beginning 18.3.19

Climate Week

This week was Climate Week in the North East of Scotland.  On Monday we first thought about what Climate Change means. In our groups we had ‘topic races’. Groups were asked to discuss what they thought Climate Change meant. They then lined up in and had a rely race were only one child could write down words or phrases about climate change on their paper at a time. We then took part in an experiment were we recorded the temperatures of two thermometers.  One was in a glass jar and one wasn’t. By the end we found that the thermometer in the glass jar showed a higher temperature that the one which wasn’t. This was an example of how greenhouse gases heat up the earth.

An Island Adventure

We planned our writing this week in groups. Each group were given an outline of an island and they had to choose what type of things would be on their island. The groups then had to decide how the characters in their story got the island, what they done when they were there and how they left the island. All of the children had fun and produced some excellent stories!


What has been our highlights of the week?


Oliver – “This week I learned how to add money”

Maggie – “I have loved doing dancing this week”

Alexandra – “I  enjoyed learning that fractions, percentages and decimals are linked”

Megan – “I learned how to add and subtract money”

Kieran – “I think the whole class have improved on our dance”

Week beginning 11th March

Thank you letter to Deeside Care Home

In pairs we wrote a thank you letter to Deeside Care Home for having us on World Book Day. We then took pieces from everyone’s letters to make a final letter which will be sent next week.

Red Nose Day

This week we have been learning about the meaning of poverty and who is affected.  Today the children were given nine items which they had to order from most to least important. They were then given different scenarios and the children had to consider words to describe them.


Last week we made a Google Form to find out which games were the most popular in our class. Today we learned how to make bar charts on Google Sheets and then made one using our findings from the survey.


Week beginning 18.2.18


We have been learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his artwork. This links in with our topic as he produced a lot of his artwork in the 20th century. We  watched a video to learn how to draw the roses. The children then made their own artwork inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh.



This week we were learning about dynamics in music. We learned that diminuendo is when the music gets quieter and that crescendo is when the music gets loader. The pictures show us using our bodies to show the music changing. We reached up when the music got louder and crouched down when the music got quieter.



This week we were learning some street dance moves. We then worked in pairs to customise the moved we learned. We came up with lots of great variations!

Ellie and Katie’s Presentation

Today was Thinking Day so Ellie and Katie used the opportunity to tell us about Mrs Murray’s Dog and Cat Home because they are working on their charity badge. The girls will be taking part in a sponsored cycle from Cults to Duthie Park to raise money for their charity. If you would like to sponger them then follow this link:

Keep up the good work girls!