Week beginning 18.3.19

Climate Week

This week was Climate Week in the North East of Scotland.  On Monday we first thought about what Climate Change means. In our groups we had ‘topic races’. Groups were asked to discuss what they thought Climate Change meant. They then lined up in and had a rely race were only one child could write down words or phrases about climate change on their paper at a time. We then took part in an experiment were we recorded the temperatures of two thermometers.  One was in a glass jar and one wasn’t. By the end we found that the thermometer in the glass jar showed a higher temperature that the one which wasn’t. This was an example of how greenhouse gases heat up the earth.

An Island Adventure

We planned our writing this week in groups. Each group were given an outline of an island and they had to choose what type of things would be on their island. The groups then had to decide how the characters in their story got the island, what they done when they were there and how they left the island. All of the children had fun and produced some excellent stories!


What has been our highlights of the week?


Oliver – “This week I learned how to add money”

Maggie – “I have loved doing dancing this week”

Alexandra – “I  enjoyed learning that fractions, percentages and decimals are linked”

Megan – “I learned how to add and subtract money”

Kieran – “I think the whole class have improved on our dance”

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