Week beginning 26.11.18


For writing this week the children created a poster to persuade people to visit their theme park.  To be successful the children had to ensure their poster was eye catching, use bossy verbs and include information about their theme park.



This week the children worked in pairs to challenge each other. One child would say a sentence using some words from their spelling and their partner would write it down. They would then check for correct spelling and punctuation.


This week for ICT the children worked in pairs to complete coding challenges.

Weeks beginning 12th and 19th of November

Our topic this term is Lego and over the last few weeks we have been very creative and working hard on lots of different activities for our topic.

Design a Ride for Lego Land

P4G used their imagination and teamwork skills to design a ride for Lego Land.  The children worked in pairs and decided what age range their ride would be for and what kind of ride they wanted to design.


The children were writing a story about them turning into the Lego minifigure which they designed the week before. They were given the option of writing their story or typing it on the laptop. I had lots of exciting stories to read!


Design a Lego Building

The children were given a challenge to design a Lego building which could be in a Lego Cityscape. The children had to cut out lots of different shapes and stick them on to their building – part of the challenge was that they were not allowed to draw their shapes before they cut them out!


Letter Writing

This week we had a task to unscramble a letter and put it in the correct order. This was a good reminder of how we set out a letter before we wrote a letter to Mrs Johnstone.


Design a Theme Park

P4G have been busy designing their own theme park. Each group has been given £50,000 to spend and a price list of everything that they can buy for their theme park. The children have been using their budgeting skills to make sure that their theme park is lots of fun!




Week beginning 5th November


On Monday the children made some great cityscapes. First we painted our paper blue. We then drew our cityscape on black paper, cut it out and stuck it onto our paper that we had painted blue. After that we painted some lovely fireworks in the sky. The children really enjoyed this and everyone tried very hard.



This week in Drama the children were read a story about a polar bear. After each part of the story the children had to silently act out what had just happened in the story. We had lots of fun doing this!



On Wednesday the children had a Technology Challenge. Their challenge was to build a car with Lego which could be propelled by a balloon. The children had to use their problem solving skills as well as teamwork.  Everyone became very creative when thinking about how they were going to attach their balloon to their car.

Week Beginning 29th October

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. We have had a very busy first week back.



This week the children created a recipe for a magic potion. We were learning to use sequence works such as first, next, then and finally as well as bossy words.



This week we have been learning about 3D shapes. We revised the names of 3D shapes and then learned the features of 3D shapes such as face, edge and vertex. The children then played some guessing and sorting games.



This week in ICT we focused on our typing skills. We played a game from the BBC called Dance Mat Typing. This shows the children were to place their hands on the keyboard and which fingers to use. We had lots of fun with this.




We learned this week that our new topic is Lego! The children were all very excited about this. We watched a short video about the history off Lego and then we designed our own Minifigures which are all super!


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!