Health Week

The Health Committee have been very busy planning a Health Week for the whole school.

We started Health Week by creating individual mind maps thinking of all of the different ways we stay fit and healthy. We had to think of things other than exercise and healthy foods. This included getting a lot of sleep, being mindful, relaxing and brushing our teeth well.

Part of Health Week has been a Daily Mile Class Challenge where the winning class will have ran/walked the most miles. We have been outside every day to run, walk and move as many miles as we possibly can! It has been lots of fun and some days we have even asked to go out twice to get some extra miles in! Our grand total of miles for the week was 198 – incredible!! 🙂

Dean Stott

We had a very special visitor for assembly this week, Dean Stott. He is well known for cycling the Pan American Highway in a record breaking number of days! He spoke to us about his experience breaking the world record and how he prepared mentally and physically. He reminded us that anything is possible and we can achieve anything if we work hard and put our mind to it! He was very inspirational and gave a very thought-provoking assembly.

Emoji Competition

Another part of Health Week is that P1-3 were invited to enter an emoji competition where they had to think of a specific emotion and design and draw a brand new emoji to demonstrate that emotion. We were so excited when we heard this was one of our jobs this week. We came up with lots of different emotions and had some good discussion going on. We were thinking about the fact that we cannot be happy all of the time and that it is healthy to feel a range of emotions.


We were thinking about how important it is to wash our hands thoroughly and how this links to us staying healthy. We took part in a little experiment where Miss Dow had glitter all over her hands to represent germs. She then picked up a cup and passed it to 5 different girls and boys who all ended up with glitter on their hands too. This showed us how easily germs can spread and why washing our hands is so important. We didn’t know that we should be spending at least 15 seconds washing our hands. We then made fortune tellers with some key facts all about germs and hand washing and we took these home.

Fruit Faces

We looked at some pictures by a famous Italian artist who designs faces using only fruits and vegetables! We looked at some of his work for inspiration and then we had to work in groups of 4 or 5 to design either a face or whole body using only fruits and vegetables. Once we had planned our piece of art, we worked together to draw and colour all of the fruits and vegetables that we needed for our design. Once we had cut them out, we could experiment with different ways of laying them out until we were happy to stick down our final design. Our finished art work was amazing!

2 thoughts on “Health Week”

  1. Conor enjoyed the health week activities and was particularly excited to learn his daddy is friends with Dean Stott!!

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