Week beginning 14.02.19

I hope everyone had a lovely long weekend 🙂


We have been continuing to work on our joined handwriting. We’ve been discussing the fact that we need to keep practising in order to become good at using joined writing and that it’s ok to find it tricky until we get better at it. We must be positive! We are also having to think about how single letters are formed to ensure that we are joining correctly.


We have been using the ActiveLearn website this week to do some active maths games. We will be taking our logins home next week and sometimes we will have games set for our homework to complete. The games have levels to work through and you collect points in every game. We were working on sequencing, addition, subtraction and other areas of number.

We also played a game on Topmarks where we had to shoot odd or even coconuts. A lot of us are finding this tricky so it might be an idea to have a go at home! We spoke about numbers being in the 2 times table or when we count in 2s being even and numbers ending in 1,3,5,7,9 are odd.



We have been working on spelling our common words and applying spelling rules to write and spell words correctly. We took part in spelling activities – we have been doing a lot of active learning this week which we have enjoyed.


We go to library every Friday. We have class library helpers each week that help with the scanning and issuing of books.

Valentines Day

We were learning the story behind why we celebrate Valentines Day. There was a priest called Valentine and he married couples in secret as the Emperor forbade people to get married so that they would join his army. It is believed that Valentine managed to perform a miracle and cure a blind girl. On the day that he died, he wrote a letter to the girl and signed it ‘Your Valentine.’ Some people believe this is why we celebrate Valentines Day today. We then made 3D hearts.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been learning about empathy and ‘the maze’ through watching the following videos on ClassDojo. We have been sharing our own experiences and asking lots of good questions!




One thought on “Week beginning 14.02.19”

  1. Conor has enjoyed doing the joined up handwriting and has been creating his signature. What fun!
    The maths tasks have been challenging… odds and evens…. oooo tricky!!
    Interdicts g story on Valentine’s Day… I learn something new every blog Miss D👍🏻😊
    Wee Ckosey is all aboot his Dojo and was well pleased with his ability to earn them. A good incentive. Generating much discussion the learning this week👍🏻

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