Week beginning 19.11.18

It’s good to be back!

Mrs Charleton was very impressed with the behaviour and hard work that went on in class last week whilst she was teaching 3D. Unfortunately there are no photos to show for it!

Star Class!

We had a lovely positive start to the week when Mrs Dalziel presented us with assembly star as we were the class who were listening the most and giving the best answers.

Active Maths

On Monday we used the laptops and ‘Topmarks’ website to play some maths number games. Some of the games we could choose from were:

  • Hit the Button


  • Mental Maths Train


  • Caterpillar Ordering


  • Rocket Rounding


  • Calculation Balance



Our reading task this week was to create a word search! We have had to find new and tricky words in our reading books and hide them in a word search. We then swapped with someone in our reading group to try and find the words that they had hidden. We had to identify new words and be able to spell them correctly.

Music – Rhythm Walk!

We know that a 1 beat note is called a crotchet.

We also know that this is a rest and it also lasts for one beat.

We had to use our understanding of this to clap out different rhythms that Miss Dow showed us. We use ‘ta’ and ‘rest’ to help us clap the rhythm and keep a steady beat without speeding up! The rhythms were placed around the GP floor and with a partner we had to go on a ‘rhythm walk’ around the room. Every time we arrived at a rhythm, we had to clap it out with our partner. If we were feeling confident, we could clap it without saying ‘ta’ and ‘rest’ which proved to be a bit trickier! Miss Dow then put a few rhythms together to make them even longer and we had to do the same again. We are getting very good at clapping different rhythms and reading crotchets and rests! We also got to make up our own rhythms which we had to clap to the class and they had to repeat it back.


We used whiteboards and had to write out as many words as we could think of that used our spelling sound. If we couldn’t think of any more we could then look at the sounds the other groups had and try and think of words for those sounds too. Some of us were able to think of loads!


We have been practising our numbers 1-20 and days of the week.

Science/Topic – Parachutes!

As part of our ‘Lets Create’ topic this week we have been designing and making our very own parachutes! We started off by learning about GRAVITY and AIR RESISTANCE. Miss Dow was SO impressed with the discussion that we had and the answers we were able to share with the class. We know that gravity and air resistance fight against each other which makes an object fall slower to the ground. We could tell that a marble was going to fall straighter and faster than Conor’s postcard. His postcard fell slower and not as straight. We also guessed correctly that an elephant would land much quicker than a feather.

We watched the following video after our discussion which we all found hilarious! We had to predict what we thought would happen to the egg each time.

We were able to tell Miss Dow that a bigger parachute would fall slower than a small parachute as there would be more air trapped in the material and therefore it would have more air resistance, making it fall slower. We know that this is why a skydiver falls to begin with and when they let out their parachute, they go shooting upwards as the air resistance kicks in more than the gravity and with both air resistance and gravity, the sky diver falls slowly and safely to the ground.

We used our plastic bags to make our own parachutes. We had to decide what shape and size we wanted our parachute to be and how many strings it should have. If we were finished we could use the rest of our time to add a design to our parachute. To finish, we added plasticine to the end of the strings to act as a person.

Once the weather brightens up and the rain stops we’re going to go out to the playground climbing frame to test our parachutes.

Health & Wellbeing: Cupful of Kindness

We have been thinking about how our actions and words can affect others. We decided that when people say nice things or do nice things for us, it fills up our bucket/cup inside our bodies full of kindness and makes us very happy. When people do horrible, nasty things, it takes some of that happiness away and eventually could leave us with an empty cup and we would be feeling miserable and unhappy about ourselves. When we do nice things for other people it not only fills up THEIR cup of kindness but also OUR own cup. We then had to think of a time this past week where we have said or done a nice thing for somebody and share it with the circle in Circle Time. We used sharpies to design and decorate our own cups so that the class can write little kind notes and messages and put it in our cups to help us feel good and have good mental health. On Friday we are going to get our cups handed out and be able to read all of the nice things people have said about us.. hopefully all of our cups of kindness inside us will be overflowing!

5 minutes after our cups were finished, they were already starting to fill up…

2 thoughts on “Week beginning 19.11.18”

  1. Congrats to 3D for being star class again!! What an exciting week… so many wonderful learning journeys going on…. my fave for this week has to be the kindness cup! What a splendid way to encourage and build each other up.
    May all your cups be overflowing😀

    Yay for the black bin bag… I can imagine the excitement in the room watching it fall. What fun we were curios about what the plastic bag was going to be used for…great experiment.

    Conor and I do enjoy a word search and we have been doing them a lot recently what a good way to help with spelling and learning.
    The Rasta worms will help me learn my French numbers in a way a book never could…lol… the tune is playing in my head already.
    Am just off to go practice my maths … Conor can test me and see if I get Top Marks!!
    Before I go… i am getting nervous I won’t know my songs fir the school show when do we get our words home to practice???😂

  2. Song words came home today! 2 of them the class have done in previous nativities and ‘It was on a Starry Night’ is a new one to learn.. happy singing! Miss Dow

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