Week beginning 05.11.18

I’m afraid this week’s blog is rather short compared to normal due to being absent and a busy week with parents evening!

Bonfire Night Art

We listened to the story of Guy Fawkes and we learned why he wanted to blow up the houses of Parliament. We learned that he was in the cellar of the houses of parliament when he was caught! We used wax crayons to draw different fireworks and bonfires. We had to press very hard with the crayons to ensure they showed up properly. We then chose either blue or black watered down paint to paint over the top of the crayon and the results were amazing! (art work has now been sent home)

Remembrance Day

When Mrs Charleton was teaching us on Tuesday we spoke about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. We got to make our own poppies that we will be taking home to use over the weekend. Miss Dow has also shared interesting facts with us about WW1. We learned that women had to do a lot of the jobs that men used to do as they had to leave their jobs to fight in the war. We also learned about the role that animals had in WW1. We learned that pigeons would carry secret messages in code wrapped around their leg and dogs and horses would pull trailers of resources for the soldiers and even acted as ambulances pulling trailers of injured soldiers to safety.

Let’s Create!

Our new topic is called ‘Let’s Create!’ It will involve a lot of problem solving, working as part of a team, designing, building and getting arty and creative! We started off by being set a challenge to build a rocket using only lego. As a class, we created our own success criteria that we then used to ensure we built a successful rocket. We all love using lego and so enjoyed this task.

Paired Reading

We meet with P7T roughly every fortnight to do paired reading. We read together with our partners, taking turns to read and they are good at reminding us to use expression and help us to become more confident with our reading. Some of us have even been using funny voices when we are reading with them! At times we also share our written work with them and enjoy sharing our success with our p7 partners.


We have been working hard to learn and consolidate our spelling sounds this week. We used whiteboards to think of as many words as we could that use the same sound. We discussed this in our spelling group and Miss Dow wrote up some of our answers on the board. If we got a word wrong, she would write it up and show us the sound that it did use so that we could see why it was incorrect.


We have been learning the days of the week in French. We learned that they do not use capital letters for the names of the days and we used this song to help us to learn the order.

4 thoughts on “Week beginning 05.11.18”

  1. Lots of exciting learning going on Miss D…. no wonder you lost your voice! We are glad you are better.
    Mrs C was great stand in.
    Conor enjoyed doing the firework picture it has taken its place on the Closey wall of art.
    We were also learning about poppies commemorating the dogs who were used in the war, when we had a tour of the local SSPCA. They are purple!
    We are practising our spelling and there is much discussion going on about new topic !
    The French video helped us with our homework thanks.

    1. Thank you, can definitely say I missed my lovely 3D and am glad to be back!
      We spoke about how pigeons, dogs and horses were used in the war too but I didn’t know that they have their own colour poppy. There’s another video going up on the blog this week with the French days of the week and numbers 1-20 you can have a sing along to if you fancy it! 🙂

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