Week beginning Monday 25th February 2019

This week we welcome a student teacher to work with our class for the rest of this term and some of next term. Her name is Miss Burns.

On Tuesday afternoon we are going up to Kincorth Library to choose some books to take back to school.

Letter Sounds

This week our sounds are ch and sh. Letter sound ch homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter sound sh homework should be completed by Friday.

Common Words

Please keep revising word walls 1-3 at home. Words for this week are play and with. Please complete the common word homework for Thursday. You may need to help your child to write the number after counting the words together. They should also try to write the words.


The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday. We will complete the Oxford Reading Tree Fireflies set of books this week.

Word Pots

Words will be added to match the books.

put will be added for Making Muffins

yes and no will be added for Is This Too Much?




This week we will continue with our information handling. The children will be sorting things into sets and working on simple bar graphs and pictograms.


As part of our Big Maths we do CLIC sessions in the class which now in Primary 1 involve C – counting  L – learn its I – it’s nothing new and C – calculations. This week we will carry on with the same targets as last week.

Counting – CORE numbers – order numbers to 10 or 20

Learn its –  1 + 1 = 2,  2 + 2 = 4,  3 + 3 = 6,  4 + 4 = 8,  5 + 5 = 10

It’s Nothing New – doubling 1 digit numbers

Calculations – division sharing out objects fairly



Last week the children started making rainbow fish which we are laminating. You will be able to see them going up on our classroom windows. We also started making rainbow fish for a classroom display. Lots of our activities will be creative for this topic.

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