Week beginning 17th September 2018

This week is a short week. School is closed for the September holiday weekend on Friday 21st and Monday 24th September.

Letter Sounds

This week our letter sounds are p and n. Letter p homework should be completed for Wednesday and letter n homework should be completed by the following Tuesday.

Common Words

Every week in school the children will be introduced to two common words. These will be revised daily and displayed in the classroom. Our aim is for the children to recognise and be able to read the words. They can be reinforced at home by completing the common word homework for Thursday each week. Words for this week are he and she. You may need to help your child to write the number after counting the words together.


Reading books will continue to be changed daily for the books with no words. The children will hear the extended story in school and can retell the story to an adult at home. Remember to refer to the reading letter, and ideas for questions are inside the front cover of the books. If you want to draw any of the pictures suggested inside the front cover please use the pink book.

Word Pots

The children still have the main character names in their word pot. Kipper, Biff, Chip, Mum, Dad and Floppy. See if your child is beginning to recognise and remember the words. Each child will have a character word wall stuck in the pink home/school book one day this week, and these first six words will be assessed in school. We will colour the faces of the known words so you will know which ones still need to be revised.

Please bring the pink home/school book, reading book and word pot to school every day in the book bag.

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