Wonderful pictures from our Duthie Park trip!
All posts by Miss Farmer
Duthie Park Trip! (PM)
Here are some photos of our wonderful trip to Duthie Park!
PM Santa Pictures!
AM Santa Photos!
AM Christmas Party Photos
First round of photos… Santa ones in separate post!
Stay and Play!
Our Stay and Play sessions continue to be popular with parents and carers. Daniel’s Mummy came in this week and she did a Christmas Tree craft project with the children and then she read a story in Polish! We love having parents in to share their skills and talents with the children. If you have a specific activity you would like to do during Stay and Play please let us know!
Thank you to all who have taken part this term!
More Fun in the Snow!
After lots more snowfall the children asked to have the sledges back out! We are learning to risk assess whilst playing and the children can now identify some places which are safe to sledge on and some which aren’t.
We also made snow angels! Can you guess who made the one below??
Making Kites!
Before the snow returned this week we had fun making kites from plastic bags! We found out how to make them fly and we discussed the way the wind changes direction!
Buddy Time!
This week at Buddy Time we heard some wonderful stories read by children in Room 6!
We are developing a love for reading, sharing books with each other as well as adults!
Christmas Dates for your Diary
We know Christmas is a busy time for everyone! Please find below important Nursery dates for your diary:
Tuesday 5th December: Parent Council Disco 6-7pm
Wednesday 6th December: Open Afternoon 3-4pm
Saturday 9th December: Parent Council School Fayre 10-12pm
Friday 15th December: Nursery Christmas Parties Morning and Afternoon (Nursery hours as usual)
Parents welcome to watch the children meet Santa: 10:45am / 2:30pm
Tuesday 19th December: Christmas Sing-Along (Nursery hours as usual)
Parents welcome to watch: 10:45am / 2:30pm
Wednesday 20th December: Nursery trips to Duthie Park
(We still need more parent helpers for the morning trip – please sign up on the whiteboard!
Friday 22nd December: Last day of term. Church Service for the Morning Nursery.
Back to School: January 8th 2018