Category Archives: resources

Better Movers and Thinkers short videos and lesson planning

Better Movers and Thinkers approach to learning and teaching in PE can be found HERE and highlights the use of scaffolding practices to help develop performance. The scaffolding practices are demonstrated in a series of short videos featuring learners from both the primary and secondary school sectors. The resource also provides exemplars of lesson planning using the BMT approach.

‘Cloth Uncut’ info pack for Commonwealth Games projects.

Below is a link to an info pack for all schools taking part in the CAST ‘Cloth Uncut’ commonwealth games art project.
If you haven’t signed up for the project, please feel free to use the info in the pack for any commonwealth games projects you may be planning anyway.
The ‘Cloth Uncut’ primary visual art project involves pupils working with a lead artist who will work with your pupils to create a piece of cloth which represents Scotland’s welcome to the Commonwealth in 2014. Continue reading ‘Cloth Uncut’ info pack for Commonwealth Games projects.


This session, Argyll & Bute Council is working with Education Scotland to develop a shared understanding of the planning learning, teaching and assessment process shown in the NAR flowchart and to develop an understanding of the part moderation plays at every stage in this process. Already, the first group of teachers have been trained as local facilitators and in the coming months will be assisting local clusters to consider their current practice and to ensure that key messages are being shared across the Authority. Continue reading HAVE YOU SEEN THIS CHART?