This session, Argyll & Bute Council is working with Education Scotland to develop a shared understanding of the planning learning, teaching and assessment process shown in the NAR flowchart and to develop an understanding of the part moderation plays at every stage in this process. Already, the first group of teachers have been trained as local facilitators and in the coming months will be assisting local clusters to consider their current practice and to ensure that key messages are being shared across the Authority.
A second group of teachers will be trained as facilitators in at the start of 2014.

In the meantime, have you had a look recently at the NAR on the Education Scotland website? You will find clear and helpful staff development materials that will help teachers come to a shared understanding of the planning teaching, learning and assessment process. Click HERE to find out more.

The National Assessment Resource (NAR) provides support for a single coherent assessment system through which understanding and professional practice in assessment and standards and expectations will be developed and shared.

(The Assessment Forum)

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