Category Archives: [Subposts] Early Years

Family Learning and Engagement

Education Scotland – Engaging Parents and Families – A toolkit for Practitioners

Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning Toolkit

Parent and Family Support Strategy 2017 2020

Family Engagement – Hamish Fraser EYC

Healthy Starts for Families – Jan Chapple

Healthy Starts for Families – Tracy Thornton

Psychology of Parenting Project – Kirsten Coull

Engaging Families – Nancy Magrath

A&B Family Pathway – Kintyre

FP Champions Attachment – Tina Hendry

EYC Conference Programme

Family Learning Guidance

Early Learning and Childcare Support Materials

  1. Space to Grow (Design guidance for ELC and OOSC settings)
  2. An enabling, enriching environment
  3. Ferre Laevers emotional well being and involvement scales summary
  4. Focused Observation Sheet
  5. LAD Literacy Monitoring and Tracking
  6. LAD Numeracy Monitoring and Tracking
  7. Education Scotland Early Learning and Childcare
  8. Early Level Literacy
  9. Early Level Numeracy and Maths Progression
  10. ELC Curriculum Diagram
  11. Monitoring Recording and Tracking Success (Journey to Excellence)
  12. Monitoring Tracking progress and achievement (Education Scotland)
  13. Check list – guidance for registered providers
  14. Bookbug Sessions in ELC settings – Guidance
  15. Loose Parts Play (A Toolkit by Theresa Casey and Juliet Robertson)
  16. ELC – environments, experiences and interactions – Linda Burgar Presentation – July 2019 

Early Learning and Childcare Documents

  1. ELC Information for Parents Booklet 2018
  2. Assistance with transport parent leaflet
  3. Early Entry to Primary School – Parent Leaflet
  4. Early Learning and Childcare application form 2018-2019
  5. Parent Information Leaflet 2017 – Deferred Entry and Add Year of ELC
  6. Nursery Application Management System NAMS Manual January 2016
  7. Shared Placements Guidance Note Aug 16
  8. Inspection Check List – Oct 18
  9. Packed Lunch Guidance for Daycare Services


  1. Family Information Service Poster
  2. Childminding Wellbeing Indicators
  3. Registering and running a Childminding Service (Care Inspectorate publication)
  4. Guide to Becoming a Childminder (SCMA publication)
  5. Children’s service medication guidance (Care Inspectorate publication)
  6. Fire Precautions a Guide for Childminder
  7. Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare Settings (Daycare and Childminding Settings) – revised document May 2018
  8. Application for registering of food business establishment – Argyll and Bute Council online registration
  9. Data Protection – Information Commissioner’s Office – Self Assessment Checklist
  10. Records of Childminding services must keep and notification reporting guidance (Care Inspectorate publication)
  11. Review of the Quality of Childminding (Care Inspectorate publication)
  12. Childminder Start Up Grant – contact the Early Years team
  13. What is and how to become a Partner Funded Childminder
  14. Funded Partner Childminders Payment timetable 2020 2021
  15. Your Childminding Journey – Care Inspectorate document
  16. My Childminding Experience – Care Inspectorate document
  17. Animal Magic – Care Inspectorate document
  18. Food Matters – Care Inspectorate document
  19. Child-Led Participation – A Childminders Guide (SCMA)
  20. Introducing Children’s Rights – UNCRC Training Tool
  21. How Good is Our Early Learning and Childcare – Scottish Government document

Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative

  1. Overview of Model for Improvement
  2. A and B Pathway – Kintyre
  3. EYC Update
  4. Argyll and Bute Family Pathway Poster May 16
  5. Argyll and Bute Family Pathway Rationale and Implementation Plan
  6. Driver Diagram Template
  7. Early Years Collaborative Leaflet
  8. Introduction to the Early Years Collaborative Presentation Jan 16
  9. EYC Action Plan 2015/2016 – Impact
  10. Katie’s Journey on the Argyll and Bute Family Pathway
  11. Katie’s Journey –Measurement Plan
  12. Worksheet Presentation
  13. Model for Improvement Fact Sheet Jan 16
  14. Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) template revised
  15. Project Charter Template
  16. Quality Improvement through a Child’s Journey
  17. CYPIC Marie Claire (Improvement Advisor) Presentation
  18. Mid Argyll Family Pathway Agenda 1st June 2017

Care Inspectorate Guidance

  1. Daycare of Children’s Services – Checklist – Updated January 2020Space to Grow (Design Guidance for ELC and OOSC settings
  2. Early Learning and Childcare Policies October 2018
  3. Management Guidance – October 2018
  4. Hints and Tips – Safety Infection Control and Food Handling Feb 2020
  5. Health and Social Care Standards (new publication June 2017)
  6. Personal Plan Guidance for ELC Providers
  7. Nappy Changing Facilities CI (CI guidance)
  8. Working Together with Parents and Families
  9. Recording of Information (CI guidance)
  10. Management of Medication (CI guidance)
  11. Safer Recruitment through Better Recruitment 
  12. Check List Guidance for Registered Providers Jan 2020
  13. Policy on peripatetic management arrangements (CI guidance)
  14. Scottish Social Services Council – a guide to getting started (SSSC document)
  15. Scottish Social Services Council – link to register
  16. Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare Settings (Daycare and Childminding Settings) (NHS Revised document May 2018)
  17. Gender Equal Play
  18. Food Matters Nurturing Happy, Health Children (CI document)