Monthly Archives: February 2017

Assessment and Moderation

Welcome to Argyll and Bute’s Assessment and Moderation Page

Here you will find a range of resources that have been used within our schools and as part of our Assessment and Moderation work.  We hope that you will find them useful.

Training Materials – PowerPoints and resources used as part of AMF training

Examples of good practice – PowerPoints and resources outlining assessment and moderation practice occurring in our schools

Planning Exemplars – working examples, taken from schools using effective planning, assessment and moderation processes

Assessment is for Learning – authority guidance on AifL and PowerPoints which can be used for training

Achievement of a Level – advice and resources for staff to support gathering evidence for Achievement of a Level

Resources/links – key documents associated with A&M as well as useful videos/links

Holistic Tasks – materials to support the creation of holistic tasks

SNSA – materials to support schools in implementing and using SNSAs

Tracking Examples – examples of documents being used in schools to track pupil progress