Monthly Archives: February 2014

Scottish College for Educational Leadership Professional Learning

This link takes you to the Scottish college for Educational Leadership Professional Learning area where you will find resources and links to quality Professional Learning Opportunities.

The Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL) is an exciting and innovative development for education in Scotland. As a core part of Teaching Scotland’s Future the College will support leadership development at all levels for education practitioners across Scotland.
The College’s vision is to support teachers and practitioners to make a difference through access to innovative and quality leadership programmes and services. Continue reading Scottish College for Educational Leadership Professional Learning

CPD for Teachers of SQA Media

CPD sessions for Teaching National 3/4/5 Media

Sat 10 May 2014, 1000-1600 (1030 start)
Premier Inn Edinburgh City Haymarket, 1 Morrison Link, Haymarket, Edinburgh EH3 8DN
Fee: £50 (including digital resources, lunch and refreshments – please indicate any dietary requirements)
Target Audience: Prospective and current teachers/lecturers of SQA National Media
Aims: The course will
1. Outline the theoretical and pedagogical background to teaching the media at National level
2. Relate teaching and learning to internal assessment requirements of National 3, 4 and 5 Media
3. Relate teaching and learning to external assessment requirements of National 5 Media.
Teaching Higher Media (introduction) Continue reading CPD for Teachers of SQA Media

Moving Forward with Global Citizenship: 2 part funded CLPL for all teachers

The Global Learning Programme Scotland is a national project funded by UK government which supports schools to embed Global Citizenship into their learning and teaching across the curriculum. ‘Moving forward with Global Citizenship’ is a full day training opportunity for teachers at all levels. It will bring together all the strands of Global Citizenship including Rights as a core part of Learning for Sustainability. It offers a professional reflection element which will support teachers’ GTCS professional update.
Part 1 of the course is over a full day in May 2014. Following this there is an expectation that staff attending will take forward some ideas generated at the training. There will be a recall day in October 2014 for staff to share their experiences and develop their learning further. Continue reading Moving Forward with Global Citizenship: 2 part funded CLPL for all teachers

Autism update

Our website has been updated for February. This month you can download
the Scottish Strategy’s Menu of Interventions (a guide to interventions
and support for people on the autism spectrum). We have information on a
Knowledge Share event taking place In Lochgilphead in March and there’s
a link to Debi Brown’s website and blog. Debi is a women with Asperger’s
Syndrome who has delivered talks for Autism Argyll in the past.

If you have any comments or questions, please get in touch.

Maureen Mackintosh
Autism Argyll
01546 600004

Primary curriculum conversation day

ES is holding a conversation day focused on the primary curriculum on Friday 7 March in Duloch Primary School, Dunfermline. This event is aimed at school leaders. We are keen to take stock of how the curriculum is developing in primary schools and hear school leaders’ views and experiences.

If you would be interested in attending please contact Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please note travel expenses are not paid for conversation days.

Primary curriculum conversation day

ES is holding a conversation day focused on the primary curriculum on Friday 7 March in Duloch Primary School, Dunfermline. This event is aimed at school leaders. We are keen to take stock of how the curriculum is developing in primary schools and hear school leaders’ views and experiences.

If you would be interested in attending please contact Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please note travel expenses are not paid for conversation days.