Monday 27th April 2020

Get growing for National Gardening Week!

Why not celebrate National Gardening Week from 27th April – 3rd May with our Homegrown Cooking activities? These resources for ages 7-14 explore growing herbs at home and how to use them in a menu fit for an athlete.

Younger children might like to try some of the activities on the Countryside Classroom website to see if they can grow, cook and eat their own food from plant to plate: Countryside Classroom .


Activity Grid P1-3 Week Beginning 20th April 2020

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


These tasks can be written in your writing jotter or typed up and emailed into the school.

Write a diary entry about Easter. What did you get up to or watch on TV?



Spend 10 minutes sitting in your garden. What things can you see, hear and smell that tell you that it is spring? Try to think of at least 2 for each.




Read a few pages of a book. Discuss with an adult which was your favourite part of what you read and why. In your writing books, practice your letter formation of a, b, c and d. Make sure you start each letter in the correct place (see the resource sheet for guidance). Talk to your family members about your favourite family meal. Decide on a meal which you would like to share with other school pupils when we create our Gigha Primary School recipe book.
Numeracy Log into your Sumdog account. Try some of the games and the number challenge.

Practice writing numbers. Ask an adult to tell you a number, then try to remember how to write this correctly. Practice 10 numbers. Log into your Sumdog account. Try some of the games and the number challenge.

Using loose objects such as pegs, buttons or bricks, find all the ways of making either 10 or 20. Log into your Sumdog account. Try some of the games and the number challenge.

Other Draw a picture looking out of your window. What can you see? How does this change throughout the year? Have a go at the inventor scavenger hunt (see resources). Draw a picture of a flower that is growing in your garden. Maybe you could send this to a friend or relative to cheer them up. Find two recycled household objects which could be used as plant pots for sunflower seeds which you will shortly be growing. Using recycled materials, create a Scottish animal (real or mythical).

Activity Grid P4-6 Week Beginning 20th April 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


These tasks can be written in your writing jotter or typed up and emailed into the school.

Write a diary entry about Easter. What did you get up to or watch on TV?



Create an acrostic poem about spring. See an example in the resources folder for this week.




Read a chapter or even a whole book (depending on the size). Write down which part was your favourite and why. Imagine in 10 years time you want to look back at the news.  Write a newspaper article using the template\ about being at home.


Try to come up with a catchy title, draw a main picture and a smaller picture and include a little information about what you have been doing at home. Try to use connectives (because, and, so, but) to make sentences have more information in them.

Talk to your family members about your favourite family meal. Decide on a meal which you would like to share with other school pupils when we create our Gigha Primary School recipe book.
Numeracy Log into your Sumdog account. Try some of the games and the number challenge.

Complete 10 questions from the Heinemann active maths book (on the topic of addition) or your workbook. Go onto Topmarks Maths and play Hit the Button to test your times tables knowledge. Complete 10 questions from the Heinemann active maths book (on the topic of addition) or your workbook. Work out the total cost of the meal above. Use a supermarket website to calculate the average total cost of all the ingredients. How much is this per portion?
Other Draw a picture looking out of your window. What can you see? How does this change throughout the year? Research a country you would like to visit when you are older. Where is it located? What is it famous for? What is the capital city? Draw a picture of a flower that is growing in your garden. Maybe you could send this to a friend or relative to cheer them up. Find two recycled household objects which could be used as plant pots for sunflower seeds which you will shortly be growing. Using recycled materials, create a Scottish animal (real or mythical).


Hello Everyone,

I hope you and your children have all had a lovely Easter and have enjoyed the beautiful weather that we have been experiencing. Lets hope it lasts! I will be making telephone contact with you all this week to find out how your children have been getting on with the work packs that have been sent home. In addition, I would appreciate some feedback on activities you may like for your child or resources you feel may help them with their home learning.

At the begining of next week I will also be delivering some sunflower seeds and an information pack as part of our school growing competition. The competition will encourage children to test out their theories about the conditions plants grow best in. The aim is to find the best growing conditions and to grow the biggest, healthiest sunflower. A prize will be awarded to the tallest plant later on in the summer.

I will shortly be uploading a weekly overview of activities focusing on Literacy and Numeracy that your child may choose to complete this week. Whilst these tasks are designed to support the classroom learning that was taking part prior to school closing, we understand that the most important thing is that you and your children are safe, well and happy. Please do not feel that you have to complete every activity set.

I look forward to speaking to you all this week and hope that you are all safe and well.


Kindest regards,


Mrs Vipurs 🙂


Monday 20th April 2020

Logan and Ella made the most magnificent Easter Cake! Well done to everyone that has been getting creative at home and making the most of family time. You can send your photos to the school enquiries email address or make a comment on any of the posts in this blog.

The summer term has started but in a completely different way than we are used to. We have some exciting topics planned, maths and literacy to finish for the year and lots of outdoor fun and challenges to connect you with nature and help take care of our beautiful world.

Keep checking this site everyday for messages and updates from Mrs Vipurs who, with Phoebe’s help, is looking after all children learning at home during this time. Veronica and Michelle are also in regular contact with our P5U families with lots of ideas for supporting play at home.

We are missing you all so much. Please keep safe and well, with love from Mrs Wilson

Friday 3rd April 2020

Lots of organisations are supporting families with learning@home. Try some of the activities and sites on this information site : . There are some really lovely ideas for learning and play at home. If you scroll down the page there are lessons to suit a whole range of children’s interests. Learn Chinese, find out how to keep chickens, discover the secrets of Harry Potter and more!

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