
For my Endeavor I decided to do electronics because I wondered how they work.  I have done was created 3 circuits the energy storage, led light with sensor and led light with switch. I have made a poster and a sign and I have learnt so much from doing endeavor. I have really enjoyed doing electronics this year. I’ve learned how to use a soldering iron and I got better at it so I don’t burn the circuit board or myself and I have been getting better better at electronics.


My Endeavour is my family tree. Altogether I have done Ancestry,G suite site,brought in photos and wrote a letter but did not get a reply but I still have to do my sway. I think I have  not done enough because I haven’t done enough because I haven’t started my sway.I have completed my planner And also have found out the definition of genealogy it means a study of someones ancestries or histories. I have completed my tree on two bits of A3 paper one is my nans side and one is my grandads side.

Genealogy Website Ancestry.com Explores Sale - Recode


Biomedical Engineering

For my Endeavour I am doing biomedical engineering. I chose to do biomedical engineering because this year the school have been entering loads of competitions to do with engineering and throught this project I have took a great interest in Biomedical engineering. I also wanted to do biomedical engineering because I always love to watch the paralympics.  I made a hydraulic robotic hand that could lift things.



Latin Endeavour


For my Endeavour this year I decided to do Latin! I decided to do Latin because I find it interesting that a lot of words we still use today come from Latin, I wanted to find out why we don’t use Latin and how some words from Latin sound similar to English words and some don’t. I am happy that I chose Latin because it was very interesting learning how to pronounce words and it was cool how I thought I didn’t know any Latin but after some research I found that I already knew a lot of Latin.

Mechanical Engineering Endeavour By Taylor

This year for my endeavour I have picked to do mechanical engineering. I chose mechanical engineering I like to play forza which is a car based game where you can buy and sell cars and drive around on a map with other players. I have also been really interested in cars and engines since I have been young but have never went into any detail with learning about them.  Endeavour is a long-term project that lets people choose there own thing to do and learn about what they have chose. It also lets people to learn about things that they like and maybe don’t know to much about and want to learn more but also you can do completely new things to you and learn about that.When we do endeavor it can help with life after school as well as you might want to get a job or start up your own business and if you maybe did an endeavour on that you will be able to have maybe more experience to start of with.


For my endeavour i have made a Haynes model engine which has a electric motor on the back which turns the pistons and then turns the crankshaft and then the sparks the sparkplug. I also made a sway on all types of different types of engine like v4,v6,v8,v2,v10,v12 and more.

The skills I used endeavour so far is ICT, time management and being organised. I have came over one problem I was doing my model engine I ended up putting the base on the wrong way and I had to take everything of and put it on the right way.

Charlie’s Baking Endeavour


This year for my Endeavour I have been baking cakes and tray bakes. So far I have written a blog and I have made balance sheets for the cakes that I have sold in the last few months. Endeavour is a long term project that we do every year. Every year we choose something that is challenging and not something that we have done already or too easy. In baking I had to overcome a lot of problems because I forgot to add some of the ingredients into the mixture.



My HTML Endeavour

For my Endeavour I am doing HTML/JAVA coding. I am making a webpage and I am going to use the website CodeCademy to help me. I have completed a planner covering what I will achieve in a certain space of time and answered questions like: how is this project ambitious and how this Endeavour will help me with my world of work. I have written a letter to a creator of a coding boot camp however I don’t know what I am going to do on my webpage. I am hoping that I get a reply for my letter and that it can help me with my Endeavour.



This year for endeavour I decided to do healthy diets and keeping active, I chose this endeavour because I wanted to improve my health and activeness and inspire others to keep healthy as their has been a huge increase in the amount of obesity in the world and I wanted to try and do something about it, So I have been doing an endeavour on it. So far I have been working mainly on healthy eating more than keeping active because i feel as though eating more healthily will improve to help others more efficiently than keeping active. so far my main achievements are making m=my milkshakes an how to make milkshakes I movie. My favourite milkshake recipe is called purple gem fruit. I like it the most because it has a twist with the berries that gives the drink an extra flavor, also because its purple and that my favourite color. Soon the endeavour fair will be on and the following I would have completed on my table: healthy testers (drinks,snacks) research on activeness/healthiness, Imovie, power-point, posters, G suite, question sheet activity to test others knowledge. If I was to change one thing about the way I have did my endeavour would be to focus on both active and diets equally instead of just mainly focusing on one.

Crocheting Endeavour

This year for my Endeavour I have chosen something that I really like. Crocheting. I really enjoy this Endeavour.

I hope to achieve a blanket, a hat, scarf, granny squares and some little things. So far I have made some squares for my blanket, my scarf, I have made lots of granny squares, a flower, a heart, a very long chain and a coaster. To make all of these there are different stitches of crochet you have to learn. These are some examples of those stitches. Chain stitch which you learn at the start, then you could learn the double crochet which I used to do the squares for my blanket. There is also treble crochet which I used for my scarf and half treble crochet for my hat. There is also single crochet which I used for my finger puppets.  I am really enjoying my Endeavour this year and I have learned lots from the project like how to crochet, to be patient, to be fiddly with my hands and to be ambitious. I have asked my questions and answered my questions. I have learned a lot from this project and when I am finished with it I will still crochet things.


Twirl Crochet Flower by RoseAlida | Crocheting Pattern

Bullying Movie

My endeavour is making an I-movie about bullying. I wrote a letter to Chris Columbus the director of Harry Potter, he didn’t reply I think he is too busy. I wrote to Chris Columbus because I am inspired by the way he edits movies and how he creates them. I am also currently making a G-suite, it is going very well. I have also finished recording my I-movie, I am now in the middle of editing the I-Movie. I have also finished my planner.



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