Home Learning Packs – March 2020
Home Learning Challenge February 2020
World Book Day – Book in a Box
Whole School Family Learning Task Examples
Whole School Family Learning Task Challenge
October 2019
Every child has been issued with a Home Learning booklet that gives a selection of websites, ideas and suggested activities for you to complete at home if you wish.
New Homework Outline
At the end of last term, we sent home a survey and we had a response rate of 51%. The results confirmed that all families want to support their child’s learning at home. Opinions of how this is best done ranged from more traditional written methods to completely removing all homework. After taking your responses into consideration, the whole staff team have devised a new format that will link learning between home and school in a flexible way so that it can fit around family commitments. Home Learning Packs will be made up over the coming weeks and will contain lots of ideas, activities and resources to help you support your child’s learning. We will trial this new methodology and ask for your feedback again in June 2020.
Phonics – children will be given 3 sounds a week to practise at home.
Reading – children will be given up to 2 books each week.
Sight words – 5 words will be issued each week.
Maths – counting up to 30 forwards and backwards.
Details on how to support your child in these areas will be in the home learning pack.
P2 & P3
Reading – children should read every night and practise the highlighted words for their stage.
Spelling – one sound or spelling rule will be given each week. A list of activities that you can use to reinforce the spelling rules will be included in the home learning pack.
Maths – Class teachers will inform you of what is being covered in class via Planners and Seesaw. Regular practice at home of number bonds is very important as it aids speed of recall and accuracy and increases confidence in all areas of maths. Examples of activities and games that can be completed at home will be included in the pack along with a few resources that might be useful.
Reading – all children should read every evening at home for at least 20-30 minutes. Details of how you can help your child will be included in the home learning pack.
Writing – if your child wishes to practise writing at home, we have created a booklet of activities that they can complete over the year.
Spelling – will be taught in class but formal spelling homework will no longer be sent home. Class teachers will advise parents of the spelling rule or pattern being taught in class. A list of activities that you can use to reinforce the spelling rules will be included in the home learning pack.
Maths – Class teachers will inform you of what is being covered in class via PLPs and Seesaw. Regular practice at home of number bonds to 100 and multiplication tables to 12 is very important as it aids speed of recall and accuracy and increases confidence in all areas of maths. Examples of activities and games that can be completed at home will be included in the pack along with a few resources that might be useful.
Whole School
Health and Wellbeing – This year we are structuring our Health and Wellbeing programme around the SHANARRI indicators. Each month we will focus on a different indicator and will provide a selection of activities that you can complete with your child to enhance their learning in this area.
HOMEWORK CHALLENGES – there will be up to 2 Homework Challenges set each year.
We will also include a list of websites and apps that may be useful.