Tag Archives: St. Joseph’s

Staff Training

It was time for some real, practical learning for the staff of St Joseph’s as they worked hard with Martin Caldwell, the area Active Schools Co-ordinator on athletics training during the INSET day on Friday.  The school had received a generous grant from Awards for All for new PE equipment and excellent athletics resources were welcomed at the school.  Martin did a sterling job of putting us all through our paces and the staff were inspired and motivated to further develop athletics training in school with some brand new equipment.

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Guide Dogs for the Blind

The children of St Joseph’s Primary were delighted to welcome Mrs Bridget Carr of the Guide Dogs for The Blind charity and her faithful companion, golden retriever Michelle to school this week. Mrs Carr presented a talk to the children about the inception of the charity, the great number of dogs trained and the still increasing numbers of people with limited sight issues who benefit from having a guide dog. Continue reading Guide Dogs for the Blind


Enjoyment and choice as an element of curriculum design is alive and well at St Joseph’s, Helensburgh as P5 embraced their first interdisciplinary topic of the year – The Egyptians! Creativity was in abundance as the children designed their own hieroglyphics and Egyptian jewellery to name but a few of the excellent active learning opportunities offered to the children this term.  As an open plan school, the excellent wall displays inspire other learners, so much so that P4 have chosen to study the same topic with different foci next term.  Well done to Mrs Friel and Mrs McLean who have inspired and motivated the children of P5 by addressing their desire to learn particular aspects of this exciting topic. Continue reading Egyptians

Macmillan Tea

A marvellous turnout of parents and friends for the Macmillan Tea afternoon at St Joseph’s resulted in the school raising a whopping £540 for the charity. This was particularly poignant for us all as we had recently lost a very close member of the school family to cancer.  However, in true ‘St Joseph’s style’ the afternoon was so well supported by parents, staff and friends either by their attendance or by their very generous donations. Father Lennon, out local parish priest, gave us his usual excellent support by attending and it was a lovely time for parents and staff to catch up. The biggest frenzy was at the ‘children’s stall’ where excitement and joy were in abundance.  A lovely day with a fantastic result for Macmillan Cancer Support! Continue reading Macmillan Tea

George’s Marvellous Medicine

 Primary 3 of St Joseph’s have had great fun reading the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl.  They studied the illustrator Quentin Blake’s work and represented it in their drawings.

They made a list of super adjectives to describe George’s Grandma.  They also wrote their own descriptions of what happens to Grandma when she took the medicine.  The children have been set the challenge of reading more of Roald Dahl’s work which they have embraced wholeheartedly.


Friday at St Joseph’s brings everyone’s mind to recycling.  The Eco Committee have worked hard to develop a recycling policy to which all children and adults adhere.  P7 are responsible for collecting all recyclable materials on Friday and placing them in the requisite containers for the council.  The Eco Committee has worked hard alongside parents to produce an environmentally friendly school.  We easily earned our Green flag status and will continue towards making our school as ‘Eco Friendly’ as possible.

P6 Finance Assembly

P6 children of St Joseph’s displayed their excellent learning on their ‘Finance’ topic at assembly recently.  The children staged a drama for the whole school where ‘mum’ took along her child to speak to the ‘bank manager’ about the advantages of saving with a credit union.  This of course helped re-launch the ‘Supersavers’ scheme in school where all the children have the opportunity to save and belong to a subsidiary of the ‘real’ Credit Union.

Continue reading P6 Finance Assembly

St. Joseph’s Annual BBQ

What a wonderful day was had by all at St Joseph’s annual barbecue and fete on Saturday 16 June. Despite the torrential rain, the whole community turned out in force to support the school. The previous evening the Parent Council made the decision to host the event indoors – a wonderful move forward which allowed everyone time to prepare the fete indoors. A whole host of events were available for the participants from ‘Fishing for Coke’ and ‘Higher or Lower’ to displays by HMS Forces. Continue reading St. Joseph’s Annual BBQ