Language Learning Opportunities for Primary Practitioners

4 week Spanish beginners’ course starting Thursday 12th November, 3.45-5pm, email to register.


Stand alone Webinars                                                                                                                             

 Using Gaelic to Support Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing –                              Thurs 5th Nov, 4-5pm, Register HERE

Learning German with songs- Thursday 5th November, 4-5.30pm, Register HERE





Digital/Language Learning

Professional learning sessions to help practitioners use digital tools to enhance language learning. The webinars cover a wide range of digital tools and are for primary and secondary practitioners.


Secondary – using digital tools in Glow to enhance and capture learning                          Monday 15th June, 11:00 – 12:00

Primary and BGE languages – using mobile devices to enhance and capture language learning.                                                                                                                                                              Monday 15th of June, 14:00 – 15:00

Primary and BGE languages – using G Suite to enhance and capture learning                 Wednesday 17th June, 11:00 – 12:00

To find out more and register for these events  follow the link below:

Family Learning in Innellan


Innellan Primary School has been providing opportunities for family learning through an after-school French club.  Gina Nitschke, a teacher at the school, runs this  club with the assistance of her daughter, Lucy, who is studying French.  This popular club is attended by pupils, siblings, parents and grand-parents.  In fact, the club has proved so popular that it has sparked national interest and you can read more in an article published in the latest edition of the SCILT Newsletter

Intergenerational Learning in Tighnabruaich

This is a lovely memory of a successful Gaelic Intergenerational learning event which was held at the beginning of March, at Tighnabruaich Primary School, in partnership with the Cowal Befrienders.  The event brought together primary pupils, senior DGS pupils and older people who live in the Tighnabruaich area.  Everyone enjoyed a meal together and learned the numbers to 10 in Gaelic. The afternoon culminated in a fun game of bingo in Gaelic! Thanks to everyone involved for making the event a big success and let’s hope that we can bring all the generations together again soon.

During Languages Week Scotland use the hashtag #ScotlandLovesLanguages to share your favourite word in any language.

My favourite French word is pamplemousse In Gaelic it is damhan-allaidh

I just love the sound of those words!  What’s yours?  Also find out your pupils’ favourite words and share with the nation.

During Languages week you could find out how many languages are spoken in your school community and celebrate this.  For example, make a poster representing all the languages spoken by pupils and their families.

Why not use technology in languages- For example, try out Duolingo for schools in your class.

Learn a song in another language

Most importantly enjoy language learning during this special week and use the hashtag #ScotlandLovesLanguages to share what is happening in your school.  Alternatively, send anything you would like to be shared to

Identity Matching in Glow is Changing

Significant changes to Glow’s identity matching are coming on October 28th 2019, which will affect teachers transferring between local authorities.  These changes are being made to ensure correct data handling by Glow in accordance with current legislation.

For full details, please see the information below from Education Scotland:

When is this happening? The expected release date of this updated functionality is October 28th.

Who will be impacted? From the 28th October all teachers who move to a new position in a school in a different local authority will receive a new Glow account rather than continue to use their existing account.  Their new account will have a different username and password.  Access to old content will be removed along with their old account.

Non-teaching staff accounts are not currently matched as they move between local authorities and therefore they will see no change. Pupils will continue to be matched.

Teaching staff who currently have an account that is manually transferred between 2 schools, allowing them to use the same username and password to access more than one school, will no longer be able to do this if their accounts are in different local authorities.  When the identity matching is removed, their username and password will allow them access to one school only, whichever school was their establishment on the 28th October.

What do you need to do? Please update the teachers in your local authority to ensure they are prepared if they are moving to a school in another local authority after the 28th of October.

If their access is still to their old school then they need to ensure that their RM Unify administrator manually transfers their account to be linked to their new school. If the work record in the old school is closed then this will happen automatically but if not it will require a manual transfer to be completed.

What about the future after the 28th October? Teachers who move between local authorities will need to remember that the content that they currently have access to via their existing Glow account will not be accessible once they start their new role in their new local authority.

We have posted a news item on Glow Connect:

Glow account guidance has also been updated to reflect the changes: